What is the process of getting a hair transplant like? visits, costs, etc


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I'm considering one in the future as my hair still isn't THAt bad. I"ve heard ballpark figures are around $4,000 to $5,000, and that's just apparently for ONE round of grafts....someone else said you have to get it done 2-3 times at least which can be WELL Over $10,000..

exactly how much does it cost...does it vary on what Norwood scale you are, and how long does the result last...how many times do you have to VISIT your hair transplant Doctor...

how can you be sure you will find a new one and that the hairs will stick?

Do you still have to pay if they dont and it's a total disaster, etc?


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I've just "done the rounds" with quite a few hair transplant clinics for a second procedure myself, and had my first hair transplant a few years back, not much has changed.

Usually the pattern is:

A, contact a given clinic to make an appointment. Some clinics will want to do a consult over the telephone, discuss photos etc.

B, Visit the clinic to meet the surgeon and discuss price, procedure etc.

C, Return to the clinic to have the procedure.

In my experience, the clinics where you don't meet the surgeon until the day of the procedure have been snake-oil merchants and are (I feel) best avoided.

As for price, number of procedures required, grafts in a given procedure etc., well that will depend on the surgeon and the severity of the hair-loss / quality of the donor area. Though the numbers you mention of ~$5,000 for a smaller procedure are ok ball park figures to consider.

These are just *my* opinions, the opinions of others may vary.

I suggest you contact some of the more highly regarded clinics (a quick browse through these very forums will help you make a short list) and get a feel for the practices, the better ones tend to under-sell their work.

Finally (and again, just *my* opinion), if you feel like you're being sold a "magic bullet" or miracle, then leave the clinic and don't return.

edit: typos


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Dudemon made a very good point, research a *lot*.

As with any form of elective cosmetic surgery, I strongly believe that it should be gone into knowing as much as you possibly can about the procedure, the clinic, the surgeon etc.


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I've had 2 transplants, and it all depends on the extent of your balding and how much you want done. The doctor I went to, charges per graft. In Canada around $4,000 would be about right; that would be quite a few grafts though.

Some people just need a little done in the front or back, so maybe one session would do it. People who are very bald would probably need more.

The reason I had two sessions was that I gradually lost more of the original hair over the span of about 14 years.