@Micky_007 says
I basically only said number 2.
The way it was phrased by Feelsbadman is different to what I said.
Regarding 1) I know it's hard af to be positive when you're Balding, but being only negative isn't going to make anything better, might as well try to focus on your job or money so you can atleast afford a hair system, and working on yourself like still continuing taking care of one's mental and physical health is very important, because eventually when a solid treatment does come available, you want to make sure you still have living follicles, even if their vellus hairs that don't make any cosmetic difference. We've seen how people went on HRT using estrogen and regained almost full heads of hair if not more from almost being bald. Of course I'm not saying HRT is the solution, I actually see going MtF as the worst thing a guy can ever do, might as well get a Hair System
2) Of course, why chase women and believe their approval or appreciation of a man should determine his worth. You can still get rich and f*** more b****s than a guy in a relationship with a full head of hair, even if it's just via escorts/prosis like the OP mentioned he used already for kissing.
3) You not fighting hard for women, you fighting hard for yourself. It's about having a standard for one's self. Fighting for the best possible image of one's self. Women are only a by-product of men who do that as a bonus. The more one works on themselves the more confident they are, it's only a benefit to one's self.
4) IDK who tf said no. 4 - fully disagree with that. People can change their "destiny"
5) Not all girls care about status, but the majority of them do, and if you don't think so, then you need to stop dreaming and wake up to reality.