what is this hyperandrogen reflex stuff


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the last thing i need is this scaring me. having receded a lot my freshman year at school i hopped on propecia a few months ago and it hasnt really gotten any better, but could propecia be making it worse. HairLossTalk.com could you chime in on this, thanks.

The Gardener

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but anyone here will tell you that hairloss treatments take some time, and it is very common that the treatments temporarily make things worse before they get better.

Especially considering finasteride. Finast usually takes up to six months before any kind of 'effects' can be seen because it takes months for it to build up in the system long enough to start making changes to hair biology. And on top of that, it takes three months for a positively-affected hair to grow long enough for it to be seen above the skin of the scalp.

The rule of thumb here is 12 months is needed before rendering any judgements. No pain, no gain. Stick with it, months 3-4 are usually the worst.


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jdizzle said:
the last thing i need is this scaring me. having receded a lot my freshman year at school i hopped on propecia a few months ago and it hasnt really gotten any better, but could propecia be making it worse. HairLossTalk.com could you chime in on this, thanks.

As Gardener said you should be patient. If the hyper-reflex really exists it is very rare so don't worry about it. Perhaps Propecia is unable to stop your hairloss and can only slow down your loss. That's better than nothing.


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month 7

Month seven of propecia and still shedding all over. Hair looks like sh*t. Shaving my head in a week and half. Hoping reduction of stress and this f***ing propecia will finally grow something back. 23 and rapidly balding. Styling is a joke. Sorry...Need an attitude check. Just venting.


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justasking, i am going to turn 19 soon, and i have a hard time dealing and venting as well, i think about this all the time and constantly am mad at my parents for not helping me in this 7-8 months ago, thats what i told them i was losing hair and rapidly receding but they laughed it off, now 8 months later, about an inch of my hairline is gone all the way around except the middle 2 inches, and it times i wonder if its worth doign the treatments tom make myself feel good when my parents just make me feel worse about it

The shedder

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I had the same problem. I told my parents 2 years ago i was losing hair and they gave me the "your hair looks fine, let it grow" bullshit. Even now my mom doesn't admit I lost a shitload of hair at my temples. I guess they don't know how depressing it is to be losing your hair as a teenager. Now that I've been on propecia for 5 months, I feel alot better I took the step and stopped listening to my parents.