What is this Procedure Called?


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My dad had told me about a friend of his who had "unbelievable hair" and did not know the man was actually bald until he told him. I couldn't (neither could he) remember what the procedure was called but the man said he had to "go to the doctor every two months for maintenance" (paid about $300 each time) and "could swim in it and do everything else he wanted with it"

Does anyone have an idea on what this procedure is called? And if so, does it work for people with receding hairlines too (or just people completely bald on top)



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Yup, I agree. Some companies use pseudo-medical terminology like "Non-Surgical Hair Graft" to make it sound like it's some sort of medical procedure. And some clients do the same thing to avoid using the word "hairpiece" or even worse, "toupee".


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lol, so you can even go swimming with these 'hair pieces' and they wont fall off? Not even if you tug? And what must be done every two months anyway?


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Bonded ...... Glued to put it in simple terms.

I'd be surprised if he didn't go MORE often, normal service intervals would be 2 weeks (Very oily scalp) 4-5 weeks (Normal) 8 weeks (Very dry Scalp). But with the hair growing at an average of 1/2 " per month... you need to keep things trimmed so they match the unit.

Come in to the shop, we remove the unit, clean it and your head up, clean, recolor and condition the unit, cut your hair. Coat the unit with 1 coat of adhesive, 2 coats on your head, let dry... put the unit back on... Style and check it overall... Pay at the Desk and get your *** out to the streets.

It's not coming off via swimming nor tugging on it.