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Ok here's what's on my mind.

Few years ago, I started thinning on my head. I did nothing until about a year ago when I started Propecia. My hair wasn't thinning very badly until I started the Propecia. About a couple months in, I was experiencing side effects from the drug and then I started noticing eyebrows on my desk at work (only 1-3 a day if that) My hair loss is pretty slow still, I am able to maintain a thin but decent cover up on my head. Recently I have noticed that I can easily pull out arm/leg/pubic/eyebrow ect hair. I have also noticed some thinning on the sides and back of my head. (minimal thinning.) This was never an issue until I started the Propecia so I'm hoping that is caused by the drug and not AU or something. One question that I have for you all is, How long did it take for you to lose all body hair? I have some hope for my self because most stories that I have heard involved extremely fast lose of all body hair. Mine is slow and I notice it the most when I actually give the hair a slight tug. Does this sound like what any of you have gone through? Thanks-


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hi i am 11 and i might be able to answer some of your questions. well it took about a month for all my hair to fall out when i was 6. i had alapesha areauta wich is when your hair comes out in clumps. now i am11 and my hair started to fall out 2 months ago and i still have a little bit of hair but not a lot. now it is alipesha totalis wich is overall thinning of the hair untill it is completely gone. also my hair will come out with a slight tug to and if i even tutch it :( well i hape you dont have it. well i give you my best wishes


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My Regimen
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Shed did you intend to post this in the Alopecia forums? You seem to have male pattern baldness.
