What is your take on this?


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It has been said over and over again that those of us who are starting to thin notice others who are thinning more easily. Well, I have a couple friends with whom I was having a conversation about balding and they seemed to have no idea that they were thinning themselves. They also seemed very critical of people who were thinning.

My question is, do I fill them in, or do I not? It would prolly piss them off and cause them to analyze their hair every minute, but looking back now I wish I had someone to do that for me.


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I say fill them in, if they get mad oh well. They may be mad now but they will be thanking you later, if they choose to do nothing, you will be that guy with a full head of hair while they are bald because they did not listen to your advice.


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I say no.. if they don't notice they are thinning or going bald then great..It means it doesn't bother them, so why try to make their life miserable? If they do start to complain then yes fill them in.


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Maybe it's a secret fear of theirs. Maybe they secretly suspect they're losing and are in denial. Trying to distance and differentiate themselves from people with visible loss, which they fear. Hoping they'll not become a part of that group.

I wouldn't bother telling them. Not just for the reasons you've mentioned, but because they'll find out for themselves eventually. If they're not aware of their thinning, don't give them a complex over it. Let them worry about it if or when the time comes (it's possible it already has). You wouldn't be helping them at all.


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I think it also really depends on how much you know them, i.e. are they really good driends or just people who you sometimes hang out with.