what kind of Doctor needed to test hormone levels


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what kind of doctor do I go to that will be able to test and then explain my hormone levels in relation to hairloss. ie. test and DHT etc...what do i ask for, or what do i need to know before hand?

is this covered under insurance?

any doctors in the new york city area?

thanks in advance


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A Doctor who's specializing in hormones is called an Endocrinologist.



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my urologist did it for me. remember, they dispense proscar so they are aware of its effects.


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if you want to find out if your going bald, scientifically you need a skin biopsy. Any doctor can do this, all they do is take a sample and they send it to a lab where scientists do the work and return the result, the docotor interperates the result and there you go.


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thanks fellas. so your saying i can go to an endocrinologist or urologist, tell him im on propecia, and he will guide me through some tests?

gonna_win...what do you mean find out if your going bald scientifically. what exactly are they looking for?

JJ Gittes

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I have to ask: why do you think you need to get a bloodtest just because you're on propecia? This seems a little silly, to me. Unless you suspect propecia is causing a specific physiological problem, what's the point? If your DHT level is low, which it most assuredly is if you're taking finasteride, that doesn't guarantee success in maintaining or regrowing hair. Either the finasteride is helping your hairloss or it's not!


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I've been on Propecia for 1 yr 3months. I want a doctor to validate my hormones are at healthy levels.


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What you're looking for is an endocrinologist. They specialize in hormones. Tell 'em you're on finasteride and to check specifically for DHT, T, E2 (estradiol).



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When I was researching gynecomastia on PubMed I noticed that a lot of the doctors in the studies were urologists. I went to my urologist and he sent me to a lab in the same building where I had all of my hormonal levels checked. I go back this week and I think he is going to try and steer me towards arimidex (he mentioned it the first visit) but I've read a lot of medical studies on PubMed and they all seem to indicate that tamoxifen is much more successful in helping the breast enlargement disappear. I'm really getting pissed off that this process has taken as long as it has because my chest isn't getting any smaller. The first doctor I saw, my family doctor, didn't know sh*t about finasteride and gynecomastia.