What Makes Hair Go Terminal?


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I am using an unspecified method to grow hair. I have noticed some new hairs that are dark and are growing, but they are thinner than the normal hairs. I also notice small hairs at my widows peak that were always small but have begun growing at the same rate as normal hairs, but again, they are staying thin.

What normally happens for these hairs to grow thicker? Must they be shed from the follicle before they grow thicker or will they just start to get thicker as they grow? That is if they do become terminal.


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What a great question! I would assume it's a bunch of signaling pathways coupled with how a hair follicle is configured at its creation (ie why the follicles on your hands don't produce the same type of hair as that on your head). My answer is probably correct, though I'm bereft of specifics.

You should ask a dermatologist. I doubt this forum will provide a good answer.


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This is a joke thread because we don't know what makes them go terminal. It's like asking the question "what is the cure for baldness". Close this thread ASAP.


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If you are doing what I am thinking, they do go terminal after a few haircycles deadman1. I believe the reason that you don't have terminals everywhere and look like a monkey is because of the pgd2's present throughout your skin. Take a look at Follica's patent. They classified these hairs as pre-terminal or something in their patent. These hairs do exist and they are thin, invisible, but long. So they have the characteristics of both vellus and terminal hairs.


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If you are doing what I am thinking, they do go terminal after a few haircycles deadman1.

Ok that is good to know and thank you for the reply. You are thinking correctly :)

I just found it interesting that they came in dark from the start and are grwoing as fast as the normal hairs but quite a bit thinner and was wondering if that would change.


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I think we should rephrase the question. Do same signaling pathways make body and scalp hair go terminal ? So, is chemical mechanism which turns body vellus hair to terminal the same one that turns velus scalp hair in terminal stage or at least maintain scalp hair in terminal stage.