What Merk means by STOPPAGE OF SHEDDING?


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What up Felllas,

Well, I was looking at the time table given by this site and it says the following.

* Week 1-2: Possible increased sex drive, slightly oily skin, possible light zits, increased shedding (normal!)
* Week 3-5: 4% of men may experience a slight decrease in sex drive
* Week 6-?: Side effects dissipate, possible continued shedding until month 3 or 4

This is of course assuming you experience any in the first place. It is entirely dependant upon the person.

* Month 3 or 4: Good Responders - You may see a stoppage in shedding
Slow Responders - Give it 6 months to a year.
* Month 6 or 8: Good Responders - You may see additional regrowth.
Slow Responders - may take up to a year or may not see regrowth at all, just maintenance of hair count.

Isnt it natural for us to shed an average of 50 to 100 hairs per day? Should Propecia really stop sheds or will it normalize it. I have seen my sheds normalize to about 50 hairs a day (guess) from the usuall hand full. What do you guys think?



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WOW! u know what i was just wondering about that.. except i was gonna ask for experienced shedders in regards to this question.

Well first I'm gonna address your question.

First yes it is natural for us to shed an average of 50 to 100 hair per day.. but thats including all the hair that you lose throughout the day. the 10 hair you see on your pillow, the 3 hair that falls on your desk during work .. so on and so forth.

Now when they said shed i'm pretty sure they mean by 80-100 hair all at once in the shower lets say.. or you run your hand through your hair and ya gotta about 5 or more hair and its continously coming out at that rate.
so yea.. if your shedding hair u'll "DEFINTELY" know it..

now that brings me to my own question.. if no one responds i'll post my own post again.. cause i really need experienced opinion for this..
Im into month 5 of finasteride... and for the past 4 months i've been shedding like 80-100 hair all in the tub everytime i shower. And since last week I started only seeing about 20-30 hair in the tub.. does that mean i stopped shedding? did ya guys experience this? PLEASE HELP!!!


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Bro, just passed 4 months on finasteride and I'm slowly seeing a stopping of the shed. During my shedding period I had about 50 hairs on my hands when washing my hairs, 20 on my pillow in the morning and at least one everytime I ran my fingers through my hair. This last week I have about 1 or 2 on my pillow, 10-15 when showering and 1 hair every 3 times I run my fingers through my hair. I have to note that i still have to pick off at least 10 hairs off my body after towel drying.

This is my experience. I don't feel my hairloss has stopped or slowed down considerably - but I also know what i have to keep in mind that the last 4 months I have been soooo focused on this that I really can't remember how things were before I started treatment.

The growth cycle should make your hair fall out even when hair loss have been stopped just in a different quantity.

The Gardener

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PartTimeNinja said:
The growth cycle should make your hair fall out even when hair loss have been stopped just in a different quantity.

Thank you, PTN. Shedding does NOT indicate a reason to worry! People without male pattern baldness shed just like we do. The only difference is that they don't think twice about it, probably don't even notice it because they are not as conscious of it as we are.

The shedding we face can be a bit scarier than the non-male pattern baldness person because the drugs we take tend to synchronize sheds as the follicle cells become exposed to the medicine. Nevertheless, a shed hair does NOT mean that a new, stronger, bigger hair can't grow right in its place.


I just look at one thing when a hair falls out - the quality at the end of the hair - the end that was attached to the scalp.

If I see pigmentation and thickness I think "you´ll be back" if it´s pale and really thin then I think "you´ll go to a better place" :)


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Im in the same boat as some of you. When I used to shower it was handfulls of hair coming out, it was erie. But now, I get maybe 10 to 20, plus when I style my hair not a single hair. My pillow has nothing and during work I dont see a single strand. The shittty part is that my hairline looks horrible, so my hopes are that since the shedding has "slowed down" it will give my hair time to grow back, thus making it thicker like it was before I started the treatment.

Also, because you loose fine hairs which are thinner and less pigmented one would think that it would grow back stronger. Correct? I dont think that means you should say goodbye to your hairs. Especially if they still grow out to a good lenght. I could be wrong and if that was the case none of my hair will grown back because 80% of the hairs I have lost have been less pigmented and thin.


brasileirao said:
* Week 1-2: Possible increased sex drive, slightly oily skin, possible light zits, increased shedding (normal!)
* Week 3-5: 4% of men may experience a slight decrease in sex drive
* Week 6-?: Side effects dissipate, possible continued shedding until month 3 or 4

This is of course assuming you experience any in the first place. It is entirely dependant upon the person.

* Month 3 or 4: Good Responders - You may see a stoppage in shedding
Slow Responders - Give it 6 months to a year.
* Month 6 or 8: Good Responders - You may see additional regrowth.
Slow Responders - may take up to a year or may not see regrowth at all, just maintenance of hair count.


Been on Proscar almost 4 months now and i had all those side affects but now im back to normal.Shedding slowed down 2 1/2 months in then stopped at month three.I can run my fingers through my hair now when its wet and see only 1 or 2 hairs alot of the time no hair comes out at all.Currently it seems the hairs i shed now are thin and have very little pigment when awhile ago they were thick with roots..


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You know, as I was reading this, I realized I hadn't given myself a "fingers through hair" test in a while. I still lose over 150 every day, but I've had such relative peace of mind since starting fincar that I thought I'd be secure in this area. Wrong. I just now ran my fingers through the top several times and came away with about 10. The back? About 2. Bad ratio.

Damn. At least they didn't look weak at the ends.

I've just ended one month on finasteride. I hope my "peace of mind" will prove justified.

The shedder

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GREAT POST BY THE WAY BRASILEIRAO. I have also noticed a large decrease in hairs lost while showering, styling, etc. Nearing 7 months on finasteride my hair looks and feels healthier and my ability to deal with male pattern baldness has improved. I only noticably lose 20-30+ hairs when i shower which used to be 10-20 each time i ran my hands through my hair. I also have a lot of hairs coming in around my temples that will hopefully give me good coverage. Keep the faith guys, we got plenty of ladies to reel in.


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Thanks Shedder!!!

I think we all do a great job in bringing up points that would otherwise never be addressed. That is what makes this site great, so much learning from each other.

It also sure helps to hear your positive battle!!! Keeps me motivated!!!

Tony Montana