What? minoxidil kills your hairline?? who came up with??



I just browsed through and saw these minoxidil kills the hairline threads. Who said and when or what ... who said it does? I remember seeing a study done by merck or someone just recently and it said minoxidil regrew the hairline aswell as any other place on the scalp.
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I would like to know this too because I use propecia and minoxidil, and although all my hair thickened up, I am seeing recession where there was thick hair before.

I only apply minoxidil to the hairline, and I see dandruff and recession there now even though the rest of my hair is going strong. Does minoxidil hurt the hairline, or should it help?


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nesta said:
I just browsed through and saw these minoxidil kills the hairline threads. Who said and when or what ... who said it does? I remember seeing a study done by merck or someone just recently and it said minoxidil regrew the hairline aswell as any other place on the scalp.

This is the internet. You should know by now that a certain group of paranoid nutjobs will come up with anything - anything - to not accept that it is nature that is taking their hair.