What Norwood am i? Am i ready for FUE transplant?


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24 y/o thinking of FUE transplant for hairline... what your thoughts does it look like id benefit from one.

pics below last 2 from 2006 for comparison


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to have a successful FUE you need to have even density and the hair behind your hair line is dense. this means you'll need a lot of donor hair to implant in a small area to achieve that density. as time goes on you'll lose more hair and need more FUEs to make you look normal. This is the problem - you will be in a losing battle because eventually you will run out of donor hair and you will be stuck. you will have high density at the front and everything else will be very thin or bare. you will also end up with an unusually low hair line for an older person making you look odd. have a close look at FUE patients, you will notice that they have thin hair - that's the look it gives.

the best and easiest way to look good when you are young is to do weight lifting. As for your hair now - there is finasteride, min and nizoral. if you have your heart set on FUE, at least try frontal hair piece first; you may enjoy the freedom for being able to choose different hair.