What Norwood am I?


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I would guess a two or very close to one. My hairline is very uneven and nasty looking up close. This is the first photo I've taken so I can't say if it's gotten better or worse, but it is definetely my problem area.

http://uk.f2.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/tom ... /my_photos

If you can't see this then could someone tell me how you make yahoo photos available to others?


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Can't see it at all. Can't help ya with the Yahoo pictures thing either.


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You can see the middle where there are a small group of hairs slightly forward? That's where my hairline used to be, going straight across. Bear that in mind. I have lost some in the last 3 years. Shame I didn't heed HairLossTalk.com's advice and take pics back then.


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Hey Tomsmith: If your still able to slick your hair back like shown in your picture and you've been combatting hairloss for three years, then you either have an extraordinarly mild case, have prevented it with treatments, or have simply developed a mature hairline. Personally, just from that one photo, I'd say you've developed a mature hairline.


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tomsmith said:
http://uk.f2.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/tom ... /my_photos

If you can't see this then could someone tell me how you make yahoo photos available to others?

If I'm not mistaken, you checked the "Only allow those over 18 to view these photos" checkbox. Since yahoo has no way of knowing if a random viewer is 18 or not, they just hide the pictures.

Uncheck the checkbox, and we should be able to view the pics.


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I would say my hairline is identical to yours. Exact. I have the little point of hairs in the middle as well. Also, I have had my hairloss "problem" for 3 years now. What a coincidence!

Anyhow, the point in the middle has grown longer this past year- not by much, but it has. So I shave it off, so my hairline looks straight again. Problem is, even with it shaved, my hairline is still slightly higher on the sides of it after getting rid of the "point".

Other than that, my hairline is pretty solid. The temples are still wider than they used to be for sure, but seem to be pretty stable. Just to be sure though, I picked up some Propecia to fill them in if possible. (3 months= $172.00 Canadian- ouch!!) It's worth my hair, though- anyday.

Bottom line- I wouldn't worry- it's proibably a mature hairline, like mine (I'm hoping). Propecia wouldn't hurt though, just to keep it in place. I'd say $688.00 a year is worth keeping a full, youthful head of hair.

The shedder

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You might be developing a mature hairline, or I'm developing a vision problem. If your not receeding that much for three years, I wouldn't be taking dht inhibitors for nothing. Or give me your money and drinks are on me, gentlemen.


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Hey Rawbbie,

At Superstore's (supervalu's?) in Winnipeg I am paying $94 CDN for a 2 month supply. You should be able to find a better deal than $172 for 3 months.