
What Norwood Stage Do You Think I Am?


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So I'm 18.5 years old and I lost some hair from the sides when I was 17yo, but I think it was just normal maturing. My hairline has always been higher than average. I'm curious to know, what Norwood do you think I am. I would say I'm like Norwood 1+. These pictures are after shower.
IMG_20190403_132152.jpg IMG_20190403_132201.jpg IMG_20190403_132206.jpg IMG_20190403_132210.jpg


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I'd say thats a weak Norwood 1, I'd keep an eye on it if I were you, take pictures every 3 months and as soon as you notice changes (if you ever do), hop on treatment.


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I'd say thats a weak Norwood 1, I'd keep an eye on it if I were you, take pictures every 3 months and as soon as you notice changes (if you ever do), hop on treatment.

I'm not really worried about it. If it would be over Norwood 2 before the age of 30, I would probably consider treatments.


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Personally, I would say an NW1.5.

The colour of your hair is so beautiful, if you do ever notice thinning please take a hair loss medication... It would be a shame to lose it!


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Personally, I would say an NW1.5.

The colour of your hair is so beautiful, if you do ever notice thinning please take a hair loss medication... It would be a shame to lose it!

Ok and thank you.


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Personally, I would say an NW1.5.

The colour of your hair is so beautiful, if you do ever notice thinning please take a hair loss medication... It would be a shame to lose it!
IMG_20190215_110323.jpg This is what my hair looks like in reality. The hairline looks pretty straight.


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you have identical hairline/forehead i had before hairloss.

i'd call it nw1.5. its 160-170 degree angle head on but in straight lines from the middle (barely noticable v shape, no deepening around temples)

keep an eye on your hair. with high forehead any amount of recession is a punch in a stomach.
you can get away up to NW2 if you keep your hair longer/wear to the front and there's no thinning behind NW2 area.
but after that endgame.

your young and should you have any recession you'd be able to revert it relatively easy with medication.
watch out for thinning, if it happens it usually starts on the side your beards coming in stronger.


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you have identical hairline/forehead i had before hairloss.

i'd call it nw1.5. its 160-170 degree angle head on but in straight lines from the middle (barely noticable v shape, no deepening around temples)

keep an eye on your hair. with high forehead any amount of recession is a punch in a stomach.
you can get away up to NW2 if you keep your hair longer/wear to the front and there's no thinning behind NW2 area.
but after that endgame.

your young and should you have any recession you'd be able to revert it relatively easy with medication.
watch out for thinning, if it happens it usually starts on the side your beards coming in stronger.

Ok thank you. My hair is a bit thinner from the sides. Not really from the corners of the hairline, but from the temples. Still lower hairline than Steven Stamkos tho.


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Ok thank you. My hair is a bit thinner from the sides. Not really from the corners of the hairline, but from the temples. Still lower hairline than Steven Stamkos tho. View attachment 116391

hair on the temporal points is usually finer for everybody and kinda fades into really fine barely visible hairs.
it's the temple corners on the hairline to look out for.

ha, that's an interesting example. nw2, it looks passable as natural hairline but only cause he's got quite a thickness behind it. if there's was any visible thinning it'd look like a hairloss.


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Hemanth IN

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dude, dont look at norwood scales, its stressful to see your current Norwood in scale and imagining as Norwood++ in next years. just come out of college and start business. you will automatically stop worrying about hair. Anyway, for men, it dont take more than 6 months to get used to any worst thing.
& also takes pics every 3 month, it help you whether to see doctor.


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dude, dont look at norwood scales, its stressful to see your current Norwood in scale and imagining as Norwood++ in next years. just come out of college and start business. you will automatically stop worrying about hair. Anyway, for men, it dont take more than 6 months to get used to any worst thing.
& also takes pics every 3 month, it help you whether to see doctor.

Yeah well I wasn't really worried. Just curious.


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106 are 100% a norwood 1,as you would expect a 18 year old to be,worry when and if it happens.


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26 are 100% a norwood 1,as you would expect a 18 year old to be,worry when and if it happens.

Ok thank you. I'm now not too worried about it, but I was, when I was 17yo, because I lost hair from the sides and I had an areas of very white skin in the corners, which used to be hair. I think it was just matuting.


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Your hair looks great bro. Pull your hairline back how it looks now


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It's just very blonde hair right there. It's not that bad. There's another picture from about couple months ago, which maybe shows it better. I don't know why I took a picture like that. View attachment 116503

You look like a male version of Heather Morris... o_O

Your hairline looks great, by the way!