What norwood were you at two years?

The shedder

Established Member
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I'm just wondering, at 2 years of hairloss what number did you all register on the norwood scale? I personally was a 2, however my freind who at 2 years is a bad 3 with a large loss at the vertex. My humblest apologies if this is a delicate subject.


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Im not sure if im even on the norwood scale yet I just have diffuse thinning on the top of my head but my hairline is perfect. In fact im not sure if Im even going bald. But early prevention is always good.


Experienced Member
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I am a norwood 1.5, I think? My temples are bad but my hair line isnt at the U shape yet. Its more or less straight... 8) If I can maintain what I have, I will be the very very happy. Approaching 5 months on Propecia....