What options do I have for reducing my forehead size appearance?


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I've heard about forehead reducing and hairline lowering, with optional hair grafting. Based off of this photo, do you think I'm a good candidate for one of these techniques? I think my hairline could be just a little lower. Thanks.
Both my parents don't have receding hairlines, and neither do I. Both my dad and I have big foreheads. My whole family has relatively sparse hair (not a lot of follicles per inch), however each hair itself seems to be thick/coarse and difficult to manage. I'm only 25 years old but I feel like this could definitely help my confidence and appearance.



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i think it looks good tho but still if you want i think hair transplant is the best option you have

Quantum Cat

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Both my parents don't have receding hairlines

glad to hear your mother isn't balding.... that's a good sign.

- - - Updated - - -

Your forehead is perfectly proportioned and your hair line intact. No respectable surgeon would touch that hair line even if you weren't young as hell which I'm guessing you are!

this is the kind of thing people with more money than sense do - like women with perfect looking breasts getting implants. I think 'greymatter' may be a misnomer


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Your forehead is perfectly proportioned and your hair line intact. No respectable surgeon would touch that hair line even if you weren't young as hell which I'm guessing you are!
Totally agree with Monty on this one. Your forehead is perfect. You have BDD if you don't think it is. I wish I had a perfect forehead like you do.


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Your forehead looks fine dude. I used to have a complex like you did when I was younger and now that I'm balding, I wish I hadn't been such a retard. Man The **** Up (MTFU) and realize that you like fine, it's all in your head. Just look at guys like Paul Newman and Aaron Paul. Both were/are good looking/successful guys with large foreheads who had no problem with the ladies, life, etc. For the love of all that is decent and holy, DO NOT **** with your forehead!!!


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Your forehead looks fine dude. I used to have a complex like you did when I was younger and now that I'm balding, I wish I hadn't been such retard. Man The **** Up (MTFU) and realize that you like fine, it's all in your head. Just look at guys like Paul Newman and Aaron Paul. Both were/are good looking/successful guys with large foreheads who had no problem with the ladies, life, etc. For the love of all that is decent and holy, DO NOT **** with your forehead!!!

You hit it right on the head..now that I'm noticeably thinning and clearly a man that is "balding", I think about how neurotic I was in my 30's when my hair was great, but I thought it wasn't..how the mind screw's with you...


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Thanks for the feedback Sparx. I really wish someone had said the same to me when I was younger... Hopefully he can take an objective view of the situation and realize he's being neurotic. I'd bet just about everyone on this site would happily trade foreheads/hairlines/hair with him. I know the "MTFU" may come across as harsh; however, it worked for me when I joined the Marine Corps and finally realized that I was neurotic in the past and more than capable of handling the most grueling situations you can imagine, i.e. combat, training, etc. Again I hope nothing but the best for this guy, I just don't want him to waste some of the best years of his life dealing with his complex...