What other factor than DHT is involved in male pattern baldness?


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Is there any that significantly causes it?


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I looked at that link of the site and it says "Folligen Lotion and Folligen Spray are used to restore scalp health after dyes, permanent waving and hair straighteners. The chemicals used for these purposes can be very damaging to the scalp and hair follicle. If damage is not repaired, eventually, these procedures can cause hair thinning and hair loss."

Since about March I've dyed my hair quite a few times. Am I increasing the risk of my hairline receding my dyeing my hair?


anemicroyalty said:
I looked at that link of the site and it says "Folligen Lotion and Folligen Spray are used to restore scalp health after dyes, permanent waving and hair straighteners. The chemicals used for these purposes can be very damaging to the scalp and hair follicle. If damage is not repaired, eventually, these procedures can cause hair thinning and hair loss."

Since about March I've dyed my hair quite a few times. Am I increasing the risk of my hairline receding my dyeing my hair?

You are likely not helping, no?


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Chemicals are way powerful, my chick is a hairstylist and chemicals can ruin a healthy head of hair not to mention a thinning unhealthy scalp.


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Ok Im not gonna dye my hair again! Hope it hasnt caused any damage, I have a friend who has dyed his millions of times, he only knows what his natural colour is cos of photos taken years ago so it'll be interestin to see how long his hair lasts.

I haven't dyed it loads, maybes 6 or 7 times since about March. Of them I dyed it twice in 2 days cos it didnt have any effect at all the first time so I did it again the next day. Other than that I've dyed my hair a month apart between each time. Some of these times I have dyed it myself at home (using dyes from companies with good reputations) and the other times I've had it done at the barbers, I asked the woman there if dyes could damage your hair but she said that with modern dyes you'd be ok.

I do agree with BruceLee that its not helping though, Im gonna stop, but could it have done permanent damage to my scalp?


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DHT is the main culprit...that and those damn hair goblins....