what qualities create a good responder



you need to rapidly grow vast amounts of thick DHT resistant hair.


Experienced Member
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its basically total random. the only factors you have control over are good scalp condition, and a good attitude, which i really believe can go pretty far (as gauged by the placebo effect of the propecia study), other that that there's almost nothing you can do but take pictures and wait.


Trent8 said:
its basically total random.

no such thing as 'random' it's a nonesense word.

If propecia fails you, it did so for a reason, same with minoxidil.

These reasons if know can often be addressed.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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I try to be a 'good responder.' At work, I try to answer all of my emails and phone calls the same day I get them, if even only to leave a message acknowledging their call.

As for hair, its purely genetics, consistency of your regimen (don't skip applications!), nutrition/exercise/and general outlook on life (in my opinion, although not medically proven.)

I'm a responder.. but I think my health and exercise regime that I adopted at the same time I started my hair regime has had a more positive overall personal improvement on my life and my image AND my hair situation than anything else. Just my take...