Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate - surfactant used in acidic shampoos and other personal care formulations such as handsoaps and bath products. Used for its foaming properties and acidic pH values. It has the best viscosity response when formulated correctly and as a result can be used in rug and upholstery shampoos. Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate will give off an ammonia odor when the PH is alkaline. RATING: VERY HARSH-NOT RECOMMENDED.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)-A white powder used as a detergent, emulsifier, and surfactant in cosmetics. It is a very powerful degreaser and is also used as a water "softener". SLS is found in most over-the-counter shampoos because of its viscousity and foam building properties. SLS is still considered rather harsh (although not as bad as the ammoniums.) RATING: HARSH-NOT RECOMMENDED.
Ammonium Laureth Sulfate- derivative of coconut oil. A compound used to break up and remove oils and soil from the skin and hair. Has great foaming properties and many detergent uses. RATING: LESS HARSH-RECOMMENDED!
Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) - derivative of the coconut oil but the extraction process results in a milder surfacant. Has good viscousity and foaming properties and is used in a variety of soap products. Less irritating to the skin than its predecessors. RATING: MILD-RECOMMENDED!
Taken from
Although I know this doesn't help much in terms of an actual brand or type of shampoo you can go out and buy, at least now you can take a look next time at the ingredient list and see which type of cleansing agent is in the shampoo.
As for my personal favorites:
Aveda products, though expensive, have a nice earthy smell and are natural. They are guaranteed, therefore if you dislike it, you can always return it.
Thicker, Fuller Hair is a brand from the supermarket that is a thickening shampoo. The line has shampoo, conditioner, thickening serum and several other things, average priced, if not a buck more than usual Pantene or such. Never tried it but have heard good things about it.
Amplify line by Matrix, same as Thicker, Fuller Hair but you can only buy it from salons or some beauty supply store such as Pure Beauty. Tried it and really helps give the appearance of thicker hair. But as with all thickening shampoos, make sure to rotate, as it coats the hair and will cause buildup. Also it tends to dry out hair a lot so don't expect really soft locks.
Alterna brand...also only found in salons or beauty supply stores, also using more natural ingredients, though quite expensive. I have found it's Hemp Seed Deep Conditioner to work quite well. The Alterna and Amplify, if bought from a beauty supply store or salon, should be guaranteed, and if you don't like it, you can return it.
Good luck!