What should I do now?


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Hey all, I posted a topic similar to this one awhile back but it kinda got lost in the crowd and I had some new questions for everyone. Anyhow, I've been going through a terrible telogen effluvium for about 7 months now due to an iron deficiency. Hundreds of hairs fall out each time I take a shower and I'm afraid to run my hands through my hair for fear of too much falling out. The good thing is, you can't really tell my hair is thinner at all right now - my hairline is intact and although I have one of those tiny little spots at the crown, I'm not too worried about it because I assume it has probably always shown up there.

What has got me worried is this: vellus hairs. They are popping up all over the place. Not all vellus, but many hairs which start thicker near the root and then taper off towards the end.

Despite the presence of vellus hairs, I'm not completely convinced I have male pattern baldness, although it does have me quite worried. This is why I'm not convinced:

1. These weak hairs are plucked from every area of my scalp, not just the "male pattern baldness spots" - the crown and hairline. They are definitely present in the back of my head where the resistant follicles are.

2. Not only are these weak hairs present on my head, but in all of my body hair.

3. For what it's worth, I don't seem a likely candidate to have male pattern baldness. I'm thin, I have extremely little body hair, my father and grandfather on my mom's side have/had completely full heads of hair, and I am not a weightlifter or anything.

Can complete miniaturization of hairs happen in a matter of months? I'd like to hope not. I've read a few articles about iron deficiency hairloss that say it can resemble genetic baldness because it can result in vellus hairs like I have described.

So right now I am stuck in the middle. I'm considering getting started on finasteride but I am hesitant for a few reasons. The side effects don't concern me too much, but I'd rather not get on finasteride if I don't have male pattern baldness. I'm worried that if I get on now my hair could grow back and I wouldn't know if it was the treatment, or just the recovery from Telogen Effluvium. Also, I'm worried about a shedding period. If it turns out I'm not going bald, I'll feel pretty dumb for inducing a shed when I have already lost lots of hair due to the iron defiency, when I could have simply waited it out.

On a side note, it's going to be great to come on this messageboard the day they announce commercial hair multiplication. I can't wait!