What should I do & what should I use?


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Hi all, I'm not really sure what I should do. I'll try to describe my hair the best I can, I get told I look alot like Johnny Depp because of our hair, it kinda looks simliar to how he had his in Secret Window and Once Upon a time in Mexico, I've worn my hair like this for like 10 yrs. now, but it's the longest I ever had it, but it's started to thin out alot recently, but what's weird is, I don't lose alot of hair when I wash it. I wash it every other day and if I didn't notice my hairline receeding and it getting thin in the front,and seemingly all over I wouldn't think I'm losing my hair because of the lack of hair that I lose when I wash it. My hairline is starting to receed, actually, it's hard to explain but it's not really moving back far, it's getting thin right behind my hairline in the front, it's worse on the right side where I part it and have for yrs. that side kinda goes back and into my hair and it's getting pretty thin there, the left side isn't like that at all, it looks ok, but the whole front of my hair behind my hairline is starting to thin out bad and I don't know what to do. I was on Propecia for 2 mts, but stopped cause of the cost and my dermatologist strongly recommended I get on Rogaine extra strength with it but I really dont want to do that, but I don't know what else to do, Rogaine even says on the box it's not meant for use on the hairline, so I kinda figure it'd be a waste to lose it there. I was thinking of maybe trying Revivogen, but the thinning and recession isn't real bad yet but I can tell it will be, and as I said it's worse on the one side then the other, so what would be the best and most powerful stuff to use to try to stop this before it gets any worse then it's already starting to?


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In my opinion, Finasteride (propecia) is a must. Propecia contains 1mg of Finasteride. There exists also Proscar (5mg Finasteride) which has about the same price as Propecia. Therefore you can split the Proscar tab into 4 or 5 parts and save a lot of money.
And you have to wait at least 6 months before any changes are noticeable.

Rogaine works everywhere. The simple reason is that they are allowed to claim efficiacy of the drug in areas where it hasn't been tested during the approval.

The most powerful approach would be to use both Finasteride and Rogaine. The US inhabitants can point you to cheap sources...


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1. Finasteride (Proscar like Bismarck mentioned will save you some $$$)

2. Minoxidil

3. Nizoral 2% shampoo

These are known as the "Big 3". You must use them for at least 6months to 1year before passing judgment.


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if you still have a prescription for finastride
i would try evergreendrugdtore.com
there about 150 US for 90 proscar pills that a years supply


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So, cutting one Proscar pill into 4s makes one of those 4s the same potency and same effectiveness as one pill of Propecia? Are the pills as small as Propecia and are they hard to cut? I only really see an area in the front that is really bothering me, even though I don't want to, should I start using Rogaine there or mybe try Revivogen, or use em both at the same time?


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Chris23 said:
So, cutting one Proscar pill into 4s makes one of those 4s the same potency and same effectiveness as one pill of Propecia? Are the pills as small as Propecia and are they hard to cut? I only really see an area in the front that is really bothering me, even though I don't want to, should I start using Rogaine there or mybe try Revivogen, or use em both at the same time?

Cutting the pill into 4s makes about 1.25mg Finasteride per fragment. The Proscar pills are quite small hence you won't be able to cut them exactly into 4s but this doesn't really matter.
I would start with Finasteride only (taking photos) and use for 6 months. If you are not satisfied you can add Rogaine at any time.


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I would start with Finasteride only (taking photos) and use for 6 months. If you are not satisfied you can add Rogaine at any time.

I agree with everything Bismarck says EXCEPT not starting with Nizoral 2% as well.

Nizoral 2% is an EXCELLENT shampoo for anti-inflammation and dandruff. In addition, it was shown that Nizoral has a disrupting effect on DHT as well as increases your hair diameter by about 8% over 6months.

It is VERY easy to use. You only need to use it 2 or 3 times a week. In between you can use whatever shampoo you like.

Give the Finasteride and Nizoral 2% 6months to 1year, take pics to use as an objective "yardstick", and take it from there.

Good luck