What should i do


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Am i cooked?

Is there anything i can do to fix this or am i too late?:( I’m 19 and my hairline is receding tremendously…


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Am i cooked?

Is there anything i can do to fix this or am i too late?:( I’m 19 and my hairline is receding tremendously…
Talk to your dermatologist and maybe get on finasteride and minoxidil. You are trying to keep as much as possible until something better comes along.


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Talk to your dermatologist and maybe get on finasteride and minoxidil. You are trying to keep as much as possible until something better comes along.
Is there anything better? and does minoxidil help me grow more hair or help me maintain the hair I have?


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If you remain thin & relatively in shape.. growing breasts won’t be an issue ..,.
There are testosterone cremes & fat dissolving products to check any fat accumulation or nipple expansion..
Systematically you have to change the hormone balance affecting destruction of hair follicles. You have to protect the hair & than encourage it to grow.. No one knows exactly what the factors are.,, whether male pattern baldness may gradually choke off blood supply & also possibly encourage an accumulation of calcium and/or other minerals in the balding scalp..So even as you rebalance the hormone ratios it may take time to improve the scalp/soil for growth. I dunno for sure.. But as you block the androgens gradually & possible add estradiol you will start to see regrowth in areas you haven’t seen before.Hair shafts will get more pigmented & thicker..Hair will grow faster & longer.. There will still be troublesome areas which need more work.. but at least you’ll see improvement..