What should I do???


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Been on revivogen for 4.5 months seeing some slight improvement maybe. The thing is that I am getting really sick and tired of rubbing this stuff onto my scalp. It is greasy and just makes my hair look like sh*t. For instance I had revivogen in my hair the other night and a girl stopped over, I answered the door and my hair looked horrible so I had to run to my room for my hat. I just wish it was easier to apply. Lets face it anyways, if you can't use finasteride your screwed! Correct? Yes! I can't use finasteride because I basically, I believe, had a hypersensitive reaction to it much like HairLossTalk.com. I really don't even know if it is worth it to apply these topicals at all.


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If you have not try propecia because you think you have hypersensitive than I don't know what to say because thats a first. Try propecia and see what happen when using it.


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If you dont want to use propecia ..then dont its not your only option......use spironolactone i dont care what anybody says but spironolactone works on alot of people just ask The Gardener.

Just always remember you have other options.


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As I said before I have tried propecia (2 months) and had some serious problems with it. My point of this post is that if you can't use propecia I don't see much sense in fighting this thing. Using these topicals is a pain in the *** also. Every morning waking up, rubbing sh*t on your scalp, hoping and praying everyday that you see something. It is really a pain in the *** and not a healthy way to live. Coming to this website every day hoping to hear that spironolactone, etc is really working for someone and never hear anyone say anything good about their situation uless they are on propecia. Hence, if your not on propecia you are screwed. This is the bottom line!!!!!!!
Hypersensitivity is not a first.......just ask HairLossTalk.com. This was the reason he quit finasteride and went to the spironolactone/revivogen combo.


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That really sucks, but its better than nothing. Its better than waking up every morning and looking and attmepting to comb your hair in a way that it looks healthy. Yet its still looks like crap and then ending up convincing yourself that its still acceptable. Hang in there, may be another month or two will make a difference.


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Why do you rub it in? Can't you just put it on with an eye dropper, the way you put on minoxidil? It will get absorbed by the scalp.

It sure is greasy stuff though.


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Shave your head(not all the way) and start working out.


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I could not pull off the shaved head look! No way! I do work out everyday and yes this is a plus for anyone that is losing their hair and a must!


Viperfish what were your reactions to finasteride?

Have you considered trying 0.2mg of finasteride a day?



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Why does everyone and their mother on this forum work out EVERYDAY?
I dont know if you guys know this but working out everyday does absolutley sh*t for building muscle or gaining strength.


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blue said:
Why does everyone and their mother on this forum work out EVERYDAY?
I dont know if you guys know this but working out everyday does absolutley sh*t for building muscle or gaining strength.
But it helps in burning calorires and keeping the weight off, which at 48 is my biggest concern. Actually I run six days a week and do resistance workouts only twice or three times a week, other than pushups and curls, which I do more frequently.


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I wasnt talking about burning calories though i was talking about building muscle which you cant do if you workout everyday.

Molecular Help

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blue said:
I wasnt talking about burning calories though i was talking about building muscle which you cant do if you workout everyday.

That's such a myth. Are you saying a lumber jack who works six days a week won't be doing sh*t for gaining muscle and strength? Please. I've worked construction summers for the past eight years and I gain a hell of a lot more strength than when I work out 3 times a week during the school year.

I know why you're saying it though I've read the same sh*t. Like you can't do bench press every day maxing out each time. But you could do a small amount of weight with a lot of reps every day sporadically throughout the day and you'd be mad strong. The idea that strenuous daily physical activity doesn't make you stronger or build muscle is totally wrong though!


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I wasnt talking about daily exercise that you do either at the work place or in your daily routine i was talking about you going to a gym.

if you knew what i was talking about why did you even post ?