What to add to fill in temples?!


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With so many products out there im still confused about what to add to help fill in my temples. I basically want to add a product just for my temples as i have just started finasteride and want to wait and see the results of that before i apply something else to the rest of my scalp. any ideas what would be the best soloution?


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minoxidil has worked wonders on my temples and thats a fact..................


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Me too, been using minoxidil for just over three months and the growth on both temples has been phenomenal! :)

The shedder

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Yeah minoxidil is the go to guy for the temples. Try out the 5% and see how it goes, its been doing great for me. GOOD LUCK

The Gardener

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Another vote for minoxidil. I've had great temple regrowth (not complete temple regrowth, but very nice 'rounding off' at the top 3/4 inch) on a regimen of spironolactone plus minoxidil.


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I am using minoxidil and Finasteride since about 2 months. No regrowth yet but many tiny vellus hairs there. I think that was the minoxidil.

In my opinion significant regrowth is unlikely without minoxidil since no other growth stimulants are available (except perhaps 6-BAB or (PSI in the next years))
Preventing the follicle from DHT does prevents him from miniaturization but dormant follicles (I sound like Ken) need the kickstart to produce terminal hair again. And minoxidil does the trick.

The Gardener

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The Iron Chancellor (Bismarck) speaks the truth. If you want regrowth, you have to seriously consider Minoxidil.


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absmon said:
What is 6-BAB and PSI?

I did spell it incorrectly, it should be 6-BAP (6-benzyl aminopurine), the active incredient of Innovate, a new Japanese hairloss treatment. Don't ask me if it works. Some guys in the German forum tried it with poor results....

PS1 is the active incredient of OSH101 which is development. (Phase II studies have been launched). This one could be quite interesting since it promotes hair growth in a more fundamental way.
PSI has been screened by Osteoscreen (a small company in denmark)
Here's what they write on their webpage (http://www.osteoscreen.com):

OsteoScreen is developing its lead compound OSH101, a topical drug for the treatment of alopecia. OsteoScreen has initiated Phase I clinical trials (human toxicology studies with an endpoint in Q3-2003). OsteoScreen plans to take OSH101 into Phase II trials (dose ranging) later in 2003.
OsteoScreen identified OSH 101 as a candidate drug for hair re-growth in a proprietary screening program. In animal studies, it was observed that topical administration of OSH101 strongly stimulates dormant hair follicles, increases hair follicle thickness, and overall hair growth. The picture to the right demonstrates the increase in the size and thickness of hair follicles treated topically with OSH101 versus untreated controls. The purple colored bulbs are hair follicles. In the untreated control, the follicles remain small and inactive, while the follicles in the treated group were stimulated and show marked increase in their size and thickness. Treatment with OSH101 for 21 days re-grew healthy, thick hair; whereas the untreated control group barely began to re-grow any hair. OSH101 is a powerful stimulator of new hair growth.

OSH101’s hair growth effect was also compared to the hair growth effect of Rogaine®. The two groups were treated with OSH101 and Rogaine® respectively once per day for five days. After an additional sixteen days elapsed, hair growth was measured. OSH101 resulted in much faster and thicker hair growth than Rogaine®.

Another area of need is chemotherapy-induced hair loss. Many cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy suffer from acute alopecia. It takes time for the hair to grow back, even after the chemotherapy has ended. The efficacy of OSH101 was determined in a model of chemotherapy-induced baldness. This model is well-described in the medical literature. OSH101 was applied to groups previously treated with cyclophosphamide (a widely-used chemotherapy) to induce hair loss. OSH101 stimulated extremely rapid hair re-growth compared to vehicle alone.


Male and female pattern baldness

OSH101 (drug for hair growth)

Intellectual Property:
OsteoScreen holds patents for the use of OSH101 for stimulating hair growth.

Development Plan:
OsteoScreen will develop OSH101 with the Center for Clinical and Basic Research (CCBR), a world renowned clinical Contract Research Organization located in Copenhagen, Denmark. The CCBR will perform the Phase I and Phase II Clinical trials at its facilities.

1. OSH101 significantly enhanced hair growth in laboratory models by stimulating dormant hair follicles.
2. OSH101 produced superior results to Rogaine® in the same models.
3. OSH101 enhanced hair re-growth in a chemotherapy-induced alopecia model.
4. Non-GLP pre-clinical toxicity studies showed OSH101 is safe.
5. Phase I clinical trials are underway.

Possible Indications:
1. Male and Female Pattern Baldness
2. Chemotherapy-induced alopecia.
3. Alopecia areata (autoimmune skin disease resulting in hair loss).
4. Age-related hair thinning.
5. Post-transplant hair re-growth.


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The OSH101 sounds very promising. I suppose it is something the people who do not gain sufficient regrowth from minoxidil can look forward to.


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OSH101’s hair growth effect was also compared to the hair growth effect of Rogaine®. The two groups were treated with OSH101 and Rogaine® respectively once per day for five days. After an additional sixteen days elapsed, hair growth was measured. OSH101 resulted in much faster and thicker hair growth than Rogaine®.

i don't see how they can make comparisons in hair growth in the short length of time, i really don't


Vampa said:
Any of you guys with results have pictures?

I have pics, but only baseline and 10 week pics. The ten weeks pics show a bunch of vellous hairs growing from my temple area that appeared pretty much gone. Now I am at over 5 months of minoxidil and 6 months of finasteride and i have a ton of regrowth on my temples, i don't even feel like i have to style my hair to hide them anymore. Hopefully i can soon get an updated set of pics to show my results.


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What brand minoxidil do you use?


I use generic minoxidil. I started off with the free bottle of rogaine my derm gave me then when it ran out i started using Rite-Aide brand generic minoxidil. Its all the same.

The Gardener

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absmon said:
What is 6-BAB and PSI?

They are things you shouldn't concern yourself with right now.

You want temple regrowth? The optimum solution, in my opinion, would be minoxidil 5 and spironolactone 5 cream.