What to do: Rogaine or Propecia?


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First off, let me just say that I never thought I'd be on a hair loss message board discussing whether or not I should use Rogaine or Propecia, especially at age 24, but I guess that's a different story....

Anyway, I finally went to the dermatologist two days ago to discuss my problem. My hair is thinning a bit on top. It's not too bad, but I don't want it to turn into a problem either.

I was sold on Propecia, until I read about some of the side effects -- lower sperm count, erectile problems, etc. I read that these types of problems only occur in a very small percentage of people, but with my luck those symptoms will probably happen to me.

Now with Rogaine, the only problems I've read are that some users have itchy or irritated scalps. Are there any problems beyond that?

Basically, for anyone here, how effective are these two products? What are some of the side effects or Rogaine vs. Propecia?

Any help is appreciated.


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The problem with Rogaine is that it won't do anything to stop the balding process.

It may regrow some hairs, but those will still be attacked by DHT and eventually destroyed.

Fallout Boy

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I thought that Rogain was good at maintaing too??? i know it wont do anything to lower DHT but still i thought it was good at holding on to what you have..

and a quick question about minoxidil ...

Does it wear off and lose its effects after only a couple of years!?? i think i heard that somehwere and is one reason why i am hesitant to start minoxidil.

Fallout Boy

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oh sorry i forgot to add

met76 i would say to start on propecia .. i have been on it for almost 6 months .. and although i dont know if its working for me I have had no side effects... most people dont. If you do happen to get side effects just stop taking Propecia and that problem will be solved.

1 pill a day .. it cant get any easier than that!


Met76 said:
First off, let me just say that I never thought I'd be on a hair loss message board discussing whether or not I should use Rogaine or Propecia, especially at age 24, but I guess that's a different story....

Anyway, I finally went to the dermatologist two days ago to discuss my problem. My hair is thinning a bit on top. It's not too bad, but I don't want it to turn into a problem either.

I was sold on Propecia, until I read about some of the side effects -- lower sperm count, erectile problems, etc. I read that these types of problems only occur in a very small percentage of people, but with my luck those symptoms will probably happen to me.

Now with Rogaine, the only problems I've read are that some users have itchy or irritated scalps. Are there any problems beyond that?

Basically, for anyone here, how effective are these two products? What are some of the side effects or Rogaine vs. Propecia?

Any help is appreciated.

At 24 it´s rather unlikely that you´ll have any serious sideeffects. I´d be worried if 17 year olds ate finasteride but at 24 the worst thing that could happen is gyno and that´s a) rare b) reversible as for erectile problems and low sperm - very rare and very fast reversible.

I see no reason why you shouldn´t be on finasteride yesterday.


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Met76 said:
First off, let me just say that I never thought I'd be on a hair loss message board discussing whether or not I should use Rogaine or Propecia, especially at age 24, but I guess that's a different story....

Anyway, I finally went to the dermatologist two days ago to discuss my problem. My hair is thinning a bit on top. It's not too bad, but I don't want it to turn into a problem either.

I was sold on Propecia, until I read about some of the side effects -- lower sperm count, erectile problems, etc. I read that these types of problems only occur in a very small percentage of people, but with my luck those symptoms will probably happen to me.

Now with Rogaine, the only problems I've read are that some users have itchy or irritated scalps. Are there any problems beyond that?

Basically, for anyone here, how effective are these two products? What are some of the side effects or Rogaine vs. Propecia?

Any help is appreciated.

Finasteride's side effects are fairly rare, and ultimately reversable.

The drugs are effective - mostly when they are used to thicken existing thin hair. They are not very good at resurrecting hairs on slick bald areas, but they can (and do) return thin hairs to cosmetic normalcy in many cases.

However, understand that they are not a cure.


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Maybe I'm just being paranoid about this, but I'm a little bit worried about the long-term side effects of Propecia. I know I'm probably worrying about something that may never happen, but I'm afraid of seeing on the news five years from now, "Propecia causes liver disease."

Again, I'm probably being dumb about this, but does anyone else worry about these things?