what to do?


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i'm 23 and got a decent head of hair but i have a recedding hair line and i have had it since 15 or so. i dont know if it is still recedding but i want to do something to keep the hair i have.

what should i do/take?

i am thinking hair transplant with propecia after.

but i wqould like to avoid a transplant if something is better.

please help with a diagnosis and how strong


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Everyone here is going to tell you to get on the big 3, that is minoxidil, nizoral and finasteride. Followed by that they will tell you to do this for a year and evaluate your results afterwords. If you have a decent head of hair then these should do the trick, plus in the end even if you do get a transplant you will eventually have to add these anyway. So do yourself a favor and save about 5 grand and start off small. It will take time and patience, but in the end a lot of folks here will say it was worth it. Some picts would be nice as well, make sure you take some picts in the beginning so you can monitor your results.

The shedder

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No, it is effective on the front as well if you respond. Give it a shot, the generic isn't that expensive and make sure you get some nizoral shampoo for scalp health