What volume of RU should I apply?


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This goes for both minoxidil/RU. I am getting my first bit of RU in a few days. I have a diffuse NW6 pattern and my hairline isn't even really a norwood 2 yet so I have a lot of area to cover. I am thinking of using a 3-4% solution in 1/3rd PG 2/3rds everclear but am unsure of how many milliliters I should use. I am currently using 1ml of minoxidil daily and I am unsure of how effective this is as it seems difficult to cover the whole scalp with it.


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only those who buzz their head can stretch 1ml successfully accross the nw6 area

1.5ml should work though


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Ok thanks I usually keep my hair around an inch long


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I am confused, I have read that the solution becomes saturated at 5%, which is usually the max dose people take, yet I read on another forum some guy advises taking 100mg/ml. Wouldn't that be a 10% solution? I have decided on a 1.5ml or 2ml solution, if I want to make this a 3-4% solution wouldn't this be about 60mg in 1.5ml or 2ml? Someone please help my RU is getting here in a few days and I don't want to be unsure about what to do with it