What Would You Do? Transplant Scarring


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I'll save the sob story. Had an FUE surgery done a year ago and I have scarring all over my recipient area. Small raised bumps.

Options are Hair System, SMP or just shave when the time comes.

Has anyone dealt with this type of scarring and had any success healing the scalp? I'll eventually need to raise my hairline if I go the hair system route.


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Go get a second transplant.

Geez, you're almost there

Maybe a new Doctor who is proven with hairline density????

Use some dermatch for now

You look way better than me


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My hair was thicker before my transplant a year ago. I'm 30 so I could easily lose much more hair. Eventually would be forced to shave and expose a very scarred scalp.

That's why I'm considering a hair system while I can still transition without many people noticing.

Every transplant causes additional shock loss regardless of how good the Doctor is. And I have diffuse thinning all over the top, not just the hairline.


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Wow. Yeah, sorry for this happening.

Unsuccessful hair transplant is a bad nightmare

Why did that fail to grow at your hairline????

Did you sue the surgeon??????

Another hair transplant can fix that.

Getting density up front is most important.

Google bill falceros and hair transplant network

Has son and Wong might help, or rahal or feller etc

Don't do a system unless absolute last option


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Thanks. It definitely is a living nightmare. I didn't do enough research prior to getting it done. Had diffuse thinning and the doctor (inexperienced) suggested 2000 hairs from crown to hairline where my existing hair was thinning. So there weren't many grafts placed at hairline, that's why it's not thick. I didn't sue. I did get my money back.