What would you have done in my situation?


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The other day I went to my urologist to pick up some medication. The door to the offices was locked and the lights were out. I peered in and saw that the television in the waiting room was still running.

Then I saw the secretary walk out of her little office with the window and go around a corner. A few seconds later she came out through this side door and asked if she could help me. I told her I was there to pick up some medication. She said the urologists had to leave suddenly to go perform an operation at the hospital. Then she invited me in to look for the medication.

We went to this back room and she pulled away a curtain to reveal this shelf full of medicine. There was enough Proscar and Avodart there to last me two lifetimes. We couldn't find my medication and then she realized that a receptionist had actually written me a prescription instead. She retrieved it and I went on my merry way.

My question for you is this: Should I have knocked her out and swiped all of the Proscar and Avodart? What would you have done in my situation? Tynan, Deaner, Badhairdecade, Drinkrum, I'm looking for some advice.


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my 2 cents

well if she was away for a while, i would've take all i can really. But there is another situation that there is %80 chance that you would've get caught that if the doctor asks the secretary what happend :doctor: and if she told that you were the only one went into that room that day :D So if you really think this then and thats really your only urologist on that place and he knows you well then HELL NO i wouldnt take all that , you were going to end up paying for it but if it was anonymous place, HELL YES i would've taken all that and go home :p

Think Before you ACT :thumbs_up:


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If you don't mind stealing and being a thief... then sure go for it.

If you mind stealing and don't like to be a thief... don't go for it.


I would have killed the receptionist with a quick twist of the neck, dragged her still twitching limp body into the back room, locked the door and began gorging on the Proscar.

You would have many hours before the alarm is raised and the back room door broken down by the police, by then you should have ingested enough Proscar to hair-up a bald horse.

When the door is finally bust open, It would be prudent to have swapped your clothes wih the dead receptionists, cover your face in blood (hers) and scream hysterically as the ambulence men take you to the hopsital and leave the police to clear up the 'assalients' body.

You then obviously kill both ambulence drivers and head home.

good luck



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tynanW said:
I would have killed the receptionist with a quick twist of the neck, dragged her still twitching limp body into the back room, locked the door and began gorging on the Proscar.

You would have many hours before the alarm is raised and the back room door broken down by the police, by then you should have ingested enough Proscar to hair-up a bald horse.

When the door is finally bust open, It would be prudent to have swapped your clothes wih the dead receptionists, cover your face in blood (hers) and scream hysterically as the ambulence men take you to the hopsital and leave the police to clear up the 'assalients' body.

You then obviously kill both ambulence drivers and head home.

good luck



First you stick a knife in her neck on the side pushing the knife forward spraying blood all over the room as a warning should any passerby walk in.......

Then you steal every narcotic possible to drug everyone in your welfare state neighborhood thereby gaining control your local drug/prostitude/sex slave ring........

Next put every OD'd body on ice......

You would have at this point have kept a few narcotics left over to take down any first responder that shows up at the Dr's office

You now have at this point roughly 50 bodies to harvest to sell on the black market thereby making enough money to hide away in Costa Rica till your previous crimes have blown over.

At this point you demand the locals call you My Liege and demad a weekly blood sacrifice...........virgin of course.......after you have "checked the status"

Carry on.......

PS. Anyone know where to buy lime in bulk?


cassin said:

First you stick a knife in her neck on the side pushing the knife forward spraying blood all over the room as a warning should any passerby walk in.......

Then you steal every narcotic possible to drug everyone in your welfare state neighborhood thereby gaining control your local drug/prostitude/sex slave ring........

Next put every OD'd body on ice......

You would have at this point have kept a few narcotics left over to take down any first responder that shows up at the Dr's office

You now have at this point roughly 50 bodies to harvest to sell on the black market thereby making enough money to hide away in Costa Rica till your previous crimes have blown over.

Carry on.......

PS. Anyone know where to buy lime in bulk?

hmmmm, classic Cassin always thinking 'outside the box'.

OK, you kill the receptionist by forcing your thumbs into her eye sockets (this may take minute or two), then drag her body to the back room, after finding the right impliment you then de-bowl her.

Stuff as much Proscar/Avodart/Asprin into her hollowed out body as possible (don't worry if she goes up a dress size or two).

Stand her up with one arm held around your shoulder and tape her ankle to yours, you then 'walk' her out of the clinic.

It's a simple method but has worked for me very well in the past.


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In such a situation I highly recommend a wheel chair to transport the body out of the office thereby ceasing all "High Heel Drag Marks" across the linoleum floor. .......it does scuff so......


cassin said:

In such a situation I highly recommend a wheel chair to transport the body out of the office thereby ceasing all "High Heel Drag Marks" across the linoleum floor. .......it does scuff so......

....of course the wheel chair, good thinking, and maybe some sunglasses to hide the eyeless sockets in her head ?....


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Yes sir how thoughtless of me...........

It reminds me of an old poem you sent to one of my Friends Ty

I love everything about you. Your hair, neck, your love area. But the one think I don't like is the color of your eyes. Mind if I carve them out?


Yeah that was one of my better works, but I can't take all the credit, it was influenced by some of your earlier work you posted on http://www.cassinspoetryworkshop.com, like your acclaimed poem 'sleep'

When I think of you, My heat misses a beat,

Whilst you sleep by my side, your hair I shall eat,

And if your love is true, my hair will grow from you.

Cassin ©1997


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Oh my that is a beaute that I had forgotten whilst doing summer stock......

Here is another Ty classic........Ty surely we must pair up again for thy writing of words......

To my Halloween love,
I love everything about this day. The jack-o-lanterns, the pumpkin patches, and the smell of fresh skull as my ax crashes down on your pretty head. I am horny just thinking about it. Love me.


Oh how I danced with joy on finishing that one, I just knew I had written a classic...

When I say classic I can't really compare it to your legendary poem 'dave'

dave, my love, how have you been

it's been a while since I've seen

your little face or pretty dress

your balding head upon my breast

but fear not my hands oh pretty dave

as I place these flowers on your grave.

Cassin ©1976


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Ahhhh yes a true epic capping off the epic story of my life...........

Dave O Dave how I miss thee.......Oh How I remember your lover Dave!

I love you so much that I want to dress up as a YOU for Halloween. What a compliment! The only drawback of course will be harvesting your skin. Bring your own ether.


somebodies always gotta die.

damn I missed the 'Mr Hardman's Cream' again.


cassin said:
tynanW said:
somebodies always gotta die.

Yeah Chujgcha ?!



Ok you lost me there, what does TEH P3OWNED BIATCH! mean?

I am scared, we don't use language like that in 'ol London Town

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