Whats a good mild shampoo?

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I think my scalp is very sensitive. I need a shampoo that is gentle on the scalp that I can use twice a day at most. Dove any good?

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

The Gardener

Senior Member
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The BEST mild shampoo on the market, in my opinion, is Paul Mitchell Shampoo 1.

You might have to go to a hair salon to buy it, but some grocery stores carry it too. It costs a tad bit more, but it is very very easy on the hair and cleans very well.

I actually was turned onto it back in the day when I tried a 'hair system', i.e. rug, for 6 months. Good rugs, like the one I had, are made from natural human hair and need tender loving care to make them last. The staff there said that PM1 was the ONLY shampoo I should use.


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baby shampoo would definitely be the mildest...i pciked up a bottle of jonson and johnson baby shampoo and it cleans your hair pretty good!!


Established Member
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I use min wash (see min.com) . It claims to fight hair loss. Pretty mild stuff. I use it after T/GEL on non-Nizoral days.

Do not use baby shampoo. It too weak and will only worsen your hair loss.
How does it worsen your hair loss?


Established Member
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Oh right?Its just that i was advised by my doctor to use something mild like baby shampoo every other day and in doing so my hair and scalp seems of been a lot better and not so dry even my hairdresser advised the same. :? Ive been using johnson and johnson with camomile.