What's frustrating about new research


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What frustrated me the most is not knowing what's going on in hair multiplication research. I know it's a matter of competetion among other scientists and a matter of protecting secrets but damn, it drives me insane with the ambiguity.

It would be a massive comfort to hear "Hey, we worked on ______ this month and achieved this" or "Gee, this month nothing really worked out but our goal is to have _____ blank done by October". There are articles that quote some doctors as saying 3-4 years for hair multiplication but they are all from last year.

I guess I'd benefit massively from hearing an update every three months or so on progress and the timeline. Even if it means "Hey, we overquoted, its going to be ten years". At least then, you'd know to wait for that and do what you can in the meantime. Right now, we do what we can in the meantime with no idea of the finish line.