Whats is the proper dosage of Saw Palmetto and Beta-Sit


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Hi Guys

Been a while

I started once again taking a mix of SP and Beta-Sit:

SP 320 mg (85-95% Fatty acids and Sterols)

Phytosterols 100 mg (minimum 40 mg of beta-sitosterol)

I used this for about a month and 1/2 before but it totally effed my libido

This time I got something to counter but I wanted to get someones opinions on the doasage.

Thanks for the help



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I havent been consistent with it until now, but I will update later on!


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Dblbass128 said:
Hi Guys

Been a while

I started once again taking a mix of SP and Beta-Sit:

SP 320 mg (85-95% Fatty acids and Sterols)

Phytosterols 100 mg (minimum 40 mg of beta-sitosterol)

I used this for about a month and 1/2 before but it totally effed my libido

This time I got something to counter but I wanted to get someones opinions on the doasage.

dude, why are you doing experiments and not buy Folligro stuff, which is a series of products based on Saw Palmetto, beta-sitosterols and fenugreek...??? I dont recommend them to you..(they are very expensive and dont know if they help..)but creating your own mix is not so good idea, unless you are a chemist..

Thanks for the help



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Oh and this mixture is in the product I use, I did not mix this myself


30 Is The New 20

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Wow, I never knew that saw palmetto created such strong sexual sides...I tolerated it pretty well for 2 yrs (mild sexual sides sometimes) and just switched to .25mg finasteride.


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philly said:
The correct dosage is 0mg and 0mg.

It did something to the point where my girl was bitching I wouldnt bone her in the ***
Sorry but that is not placebo

As far as hair loss, dont know took it for a month (it was cheap 10 bucks for a months supply)

Jarrods it was called or something