What's on your diet for hair's sake?


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It is known that a poor diet leads to some hair loss. I am not knowledgeable on this subject (I don't pay too much attention of what I put in my mouth) and since I'm looking to change my habits I figured I should ask you guys.

What are the best foods for hair? Currently I eat walnuts, but I don't know anything besides that.

Any suggestion of what I should be including in my diet? Fruits? lean meats? What vegetables would be nice?

I prefer not eating animals besides chicken and turkey, but I might in the name of vanity. :laugh:


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Poor diet does lead to hair loss, but if you have male pattern baldness running through your family history than diet is nothing more than a misleading myth in combatting hair loss. For general hair loss, a change in lifestyle and diet may contribute to healthier looking hair. But for those who do take their diet seriously, then your consumption of omega 3 products is very important. So walnuts, salmon, tuna etc are all great foods. I also, from a lifestyle choice, have eggs, chicken, seeds, green vegetables, berries, nuts as part of my diet. Adding aloe vera juice is also a wise choice. General diet options to AVOID would be high-carb diets, consumption of processed foods and of course a diet consisting of high sugar and fat intake. I've read mixed reviews on the role of soya in a general hair healthy diet, but I avoid it anyway.