Whats the deal with the bloated faces?


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I've heard a large majority of the users from the rogain foam would have side affects of swelled up faces and people who have wrinkles have said that the wrinkles looked 10 times worse than they had before. One person even said they were pretty thin and their face looked like the face of a 350 pounder after using the foam? Any one know what could be causing this problem?? I was pretty geeked out about this new rogain foam and was almost in a hurry to buy some until I heard all of this...I wonder what could be causing that or if there is away to counteract the side. Any suggestions?


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It doesn't happen to everyone. I had it for a while but it my body adjusted and haven't had a problem in a while. Some take diuretics, but IMO that is a bad idea, no reason to take one drug to offset another. Try it out, you may not have a problem.


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this is caused by water retention. i had it decently bad for a few weeks now and have used diretics to combat it. not all diuretics are drugs, i used a herbal diuretic which helps the body rid itself of retained water.

it seems pretty rare for people to get this side effect, and my body is adapting to it now. not quite back to normal as i still have a little puffyness in my neck, but it's getting better.


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I know when I used it that my face got real dry and I could see my lines on my forehead. I'm sure other people experienced this same dilemma.


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klink said:
I think some guys are imagining stuff.

not i, everyone told me my face looked fatter and i was the leanest ive been in over a year. it's looking alot better now though. had some acne which also seems to be getting better, who knows, all i care is the hair grows.