what's the difference?


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what's the difference between Follicular Unit Transplantation (with a linear incision) and Follicular Unit Extraction (without a linear incision)? also i'm starting to thinka hair transplant is ineveitable in the future for us. we went from scams to minoxidil to finasteride..and surely the next step is a hair transplant. what's the hair transplant that doesn't cut a whole skin off from the back of your head which needs to be sewn shut? also please answer my first question. thanks


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When you say we are your refering to you and your hair? Or all male pattern baldness sufferers? Or is it just the royal we?


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usually it takes a lot more than 9 posts from someone on this board before i consider them a complete dumbass. unless that was a pathetic attempt at humor. which it couldn't be. could it? zszzzzzzzzzzz


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Hope this helps...

In Follicular Unit Transplantation, a single strip of skin is harvested from the scalp in the back of the head and then, using special microscopes, the strip is dissected into individual, naturally occurring follicular groups of 1-4 hairs. This technique, pioneered by the New Hair Institute, has many advantages, including completely natural results, no scarring in the recipient area, fast healing, and the ability to perform large sessions so that the restoration can be completed in a short time span. The disadvantage of this technique is that it produces a linear scar in the donor area, although the scar is generally very fine.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) â„¢, is a procedure that has been in development at NHI for over three years. In this technique, individual follicular units are extracted directly from the donor area without the traditional linear incision in the back of the scalp. The small wounds do not require suturing and heal within one week. Advantages of this technique are that it leaves a virtually imperceptible mark in the donor area, it is more comfortable during the healing period, and activities are not limited by the linear excision of traditional surgery. This procedure is called Follicular Unit Extraction.


•People with limited hair loss or those who require small sessions
•Limited cosmetic areas, such as eyebrow restoration
•Those who wear their hair very short
•Very low donor supply, a scarred donor area or very tight scalps
•Selected repairs
•Camouflaging scars
•Athletes who must resume full activity soon after the procedure

Tony Montana


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Less scarring, more ability to create a natural hairline, faster healing....How is your regime coming along?

Tony Montana


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FUE is also twice as expensive :( ...for now anyway... Actually I think the future is leaning more towards stem cells and/or hair cloning...