whats the difference?


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aitmm said:
whats the difference?
between propecia and proscar

can any one help

Propecia and Proscar are exactly the same thing. The difference between the two is that Propecia is a pill meant for male pattern baldness and each pill contains 1 mg. of finasteride while Proscar is meant for BPH( benign prostrate hypertrophy) and each pill contains 5 mg. of finasteride. It is more cost effective to use Proscar for hairloss compared to Propecia because you can cut the pill up into 5ths or 4ths and take 1 section a day. When you purchase either proscar or propecia in the 30 tablet packages you'll notice that proscar isn't really that much more expensive than propecia, so in the long run you save a hell of a lot of money. Know what I mean.


Propecia = 1mg of finasteride
manufactured by Merck

Proscar = 5mg of finasteride
manufactured by Merck

Finpecia = 1mg of finasteride
manufactured by Cipla

Fincar = 5mg of finasteride
manufactured by Cipla