whats the truth about propecia?

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i emailed a well known hairloss doctor and i dont wana give away his identity for the sake of recieving unbias opinions from you guys. I asked him if that if someone were to stop taking propecia, how long before your hormones are back to the way they were. He said about 2 weeks and maybe a few months to a year for the effects of finasteride on dht to return to baseline. He also mentioned something scary. He said that there are other physiological functions that may take a long time if not never return to the way it was prior to taking finasteride. He didn't mention specifically what these functions were. Is there any truth to this statement, I mean if he is somewhat right, what are these functions that he is refering to? Anybody have a clue?


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Scare mongering at its worst....

I guess the only potential problem you could have is ereticle dysfunction, which can happen in rare cases. However, even on these forums of paranoid, raving alarmists, permanent erectile difficulty is rare.

All I know is this: at 25, just looking at a girl, unless she's REALLY skanking it up, doesn't make me spring to life like it used to at 16. However, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, I don't have problems unless I'm seriously not in the mood, which does happen, ya know. And even then, I can be coaxed, if you get my meaning.

Anyway, what I'm saying is this: I think a lot of guys don't want to acknowledge that they're aging and this happens naturally, so they blame finasteride. Keep this in mind and read up on the side effects, there's a lot of good stuff on the main page.
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What about other normal physiological functions? For example, Does lowering your DHT levels disturb or interupt any normal body, skin functions such as change the metabolic rate of skin cell shedding? etc etc besides slowing down hairloss?


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crossingfingers said:
i emailed a well known hairloss doctor and i dont wana give away his identity for the sake of recieving unbias opinions from you guys. I asked him if that if someone were to stop taking propecia, how long before your hormones are back to the way they were. He said about 2 weeks and maybe a few months to a year for the effects of finasteride on dht to return to baseline. He also mentioned something scary. He said that there are other physiological functions that may take a long time if not never return to the way it was prior to taking finasteride. He didn't mention specifically what these functions were. Is there any truth to this statement, I mean if he is somewhat right, what are these functions that he is refering to? Anybody have a clue?

Ask him for proof.


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Sex drive decreases with age, but I have found that self gratification is the worst enemy of a strong limbo.

If you are jerking off 7-10 times a week, girls just dont look as hot, spontaneous erections are few and far between, and morning wood isnt very pronounced.

However if that number is reduced to 3-5 times, which coincidently is about the number of times I get weekly sex from girls when in a relationship, that changes significantly and I return to the horny devil I was in my early 20's.

For all you guys having hard times getting it up when with your honeys, try not jerking off so much - I bet that solves everything.


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One time I once shed my skin much like a snake, but those side effects usually past within a few months.

In all seriousness ask him exactly what effects he is talking about, sounds like he is beating around the bush but if he isnt ask him for proof of exactly what he is talking about.



I have herd that long tern use can effect the smelling or worms, I have been on parprecia for a year now and have had no truble with my worms.



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Thinning I agree with you! Quit wacking off so much. Yesterday I was getting with this girl and had trouble getting it up. I have been finasteride free for about 10 days so it can't be that. It is probably due to the fact that I wacked off twice the day before and that I drank a case of Busch Light that night.


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hey viperfish, how is your revivogen trial going? i'm on day 6. i think i'm going to skip weekends.


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Revivogen is working nicely. Shedding is minimal (5-10 hairs per day), my scalp and hair feel and look great. Also some slight thickening. I was going to try and add propecia back in, but I think I will wait. Don't want to screw up what I have going on in terms of shedding. I'm gonna give it 5 more months to really prove itself and if I'm not totally pleased I will get back on propecia and continue to use revivogen.


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good plan viper. i have just lowered my daily dose of finasteride to .5mgs. i use about .5ml of revivogen at night. i can't say anything yet cause it's only been a little while. what kind of hair loss do u have? i have overall diffuse. if i shave my head a certain way (0 on sides, #1 on top with clippers) then it is not at all noticable. i really am hoping that revivogen will help.