What's the verdict on dutasteride and frontal hair loss


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I've read more than a few posters saying that dutasteride caused them to LOSE hair on their temples and hairlines.. is this the general consensus, or just people parroting the experiences of one of two select people?

I'm concerned because I'm considering switching from propecia after 4 years.. On propecia I maintained but it never did much for my hairline, which has continued to thin, and recently I feel it's overall effectiveness has dwindled.. Now if dutasteride will hurt my hairline further, obviously I don't want to go down that road..



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I have frontal thinning after 9 month but i don't know yet if it is shedding, if it is thinning caused by dutasteride or if it is thinning which neither had stopped finasteride nor dutasteride.


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Jacky81 said:
I have frontal thinning after 9 month but i don't know yet if it is shedding, if it is thinning caused by dutasteride or if it is thinning which neither had stopped finasteride nor dutasteride.
More accelerated than your frontal loss on propecia?


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The only reason I can think of for why the front would thin more on dutasteride than on finasteride is if it is damaged more by the extra testosterone than it is helped by the reduced DHT. Just put grapeseed extract and curcumin on your head in a water alcohol topical. That should mitigate the damage, if there is any extra. I'm not sure there is.

OK, I used to have thinning behind my "frontal tuff", that area in the center of the very front of the head. The thinning was behind that, where the temples connect in the center. Looks to me like that area is thickening in, and it has been about 2 months. It was expecially obvious when I buzzed my hair short. Normally cutting it short exposes thinness. If I get my hair really wet and pat it down, it still looks a bit thinning in the central front than it does on the sides. But I like where it is going.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
The only reason I can think of for why the front would thin more on dutasteride than on finasteride is if it is damaged more by the extra testosterone than it is helped by the reduced DHT. Just put grapeseed extract and curcumin on your head in a water alcohol topical. That should mitigate the damage, if there is any extra. I'm not sure there is.

OK, I used to have thinning behind my "frontal tuff", that area in the center of the very front of the head. The thinning was behind that, where the temples connect in the center. Looks to me like that area is thickening in, and it has been about 2 months. It was expecially obvious when I buzzed my hair short. Normally cutting it short exposes thinness. If I get my hair really wet and pat it down, it still looks a bit thinning in the central front than it does on the sides. But I like where it is going.
How many are there on this site that have actually been taking dutasteride for a prolonged period? My impression from this forum is not that many. With that said, my findings on other sites have led me to believe that this whole thing started with the experiences of one or two posters.

and congrats on the progress, bro. One step at a time, and 2 months in is early yet :)


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porad said:
Jacky81 said:
I have frontal thinning after 9 month but i don't know yet if it is shedding, if it is thinning caused by dutasteride or if it is thinning which neither had stopped finasteride nor dutasteride.
More accelerated than your frontal loss on propecia?


Experienced Member
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people seem to keep repeating the same thing: "dutasteride has increased or not done anything for frontal loss"
it seems to be a pretty good idea to use something for the hairline if you're taking dutasteride!


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I agree people should be using stuff for the front, almost regardless, since it usually is the fasted to recede. I use the kitchen sink.


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i was taking it for 20 months. long enough no? its not one or two people, its quite a few. but don't not take dutasteride, just make sure you are also using something like spironolactone on the hairline.


powersam said:
i was taking it for 20 months. long enough no? its not one or two people, its quite a few. but don't not take dutasteride, just make sure you are also using something like spironolactone on the hairline.


Didn't you take a huge loading dose at the beginning which could have caused your shed? that is not recommended, but important to point out. very very important.

Here is a link to powersam's post that I am talking about:

http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions ... ing#233872

powersam said:
based on my own personal experience i would totally agree with the theory that there is a level of dht inhibition too high for the frontal area, or test to high. i was doing pretty well on dutasteride till i had that little gap and then took a loading dose, which obviously put my dht inhibition WAY too high, and kicked off that insane frontal shed. oddly enough i never had any sexual side effects through the whole thing, which is quite lucky i guess.


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Just put grapeseed extract and curcumin on your head in a water alcohol topical. That should mitigate the damage, if there is any extra. I'm not sure there is.



we don't even know if grapeseed extract and tumeric are effective topically, do we?


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word. thankyou jayman. i did go into minute detail about my circumstances at the time in that thread for this exact reason. thanks again.


powersam said:
word. thankyou jayman. i did go into minute detail about my circumstances at the time in that thread for this exact reason. thanks again.

are you being sarcastic? sorry but i can't tell. i just don't see why you recommend spironolactone on the hairline for sure if your shed was caused by a loading dose and not by a constant 0.5 mg per day.


Startibart(I can't remember the poster name off the top of my head) used dutasteride for 2 years or somthing and I think I remember him updating every once and a while on the My Story forum about how his front continued to thin out also.

Could have just been how his system reacted with it.


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nup no sarcasm at all mate. i should have included that info in this thread, no doubt about it. oh and i'd still recommend the spironolactone anyway because dutasteride at .5mg a day causes a 104% increase in testosterone in the scalp. testosterone isnt good for hair either.


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powersam said:
nup no sarcasm at all mate. i should have included that info in this thread, no doubt about it. oh and i'd still recommend the spironolactone anyway because dutasteride at .5mg a day causes a 104% increase in testosterone in the scalp. testosterone isnt good for hair either.

So where i can get spironolactone? It is sold on pharmacies? And what brands are available?


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http://www.inhousepharmacy.com/heart-he ... ctone.html

you need 48 25mg tablets in 60 mL to make a 2% solution.

There is a body building site called melelange or something. I know it has lange in the name of the site. It sells octyl salicylate for $12.5 for 16 oz, and DMSO for the same price. Octyl salicylate increased finasteride absorption 10x when it was added to the same water alcohol vehicle. finasteride and spironolactone are both steroids, so I think octyl salicylate would do the same for spironolactone. DMSO is used in many topicals for getting deep penetration. I recommend 5% DMSO, 10% octyl salicylate, 15% propylene glycol ($30 at http://www.chemistrystore.com), 20% water, 1g of borageseed oil, and the balance everclear (95% ethanol, 5% water). Grind up and dissolve the spironolactone in the everclear, and then separate out the filler, then add the everclear with spironolactone into the other stuff. It is all clear and goes on like minoxdil. Much better than getting a white cream in your hair, and probably much stronger.


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can i put spironolactone on 60 ml of water? Or have to be ethanol?