Whats with the drowsiness with minoxidil


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I apply minoxidil and after 10-15 minutes I feel drowsy for 5-10 mins and then I wake myself up. Has been happening since the time I started applying minoxidil....I have a feeling it may be due to water retention....Is there anyway to find out if there is puffing out due to retention except for checking my face everyday.....

Also, sometime I wonder, after the 3-4 day mark my facial hair became darker and faster..

I dont doubt that minoxidil does not work. But I thought body hair had exactly opposite requirements to hair. So how can something thats promoting body hair promote hair as well ?


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How long have you been using minoxidil?

Are you applying minoxidil on a wet scalp?


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I have been applying minoxidil for about 10 days now. I do not apply it on a wet scalp. Actually, when I apply minoxidil in the night, my scalp is absolutely dry.


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hairhaircomeagain said:
I have been applying minoxidil for about 10 days now. I do not apply it on a wet scalp. Actually, when I apply minoxidil in the night, my scalp is absolutely dry.
Give it about 2-3 weeks after you star, it should go away.


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hairhaircomeagain said:
I apply minoxidil and after 10-15 minutes I feel drowsy for 5-10 mins and then I wake myself up. Has been happening since the time I started applying minoxidil...

I find that difficult to believe. I'd like to see you test yourself in a blinded fashion with a minoxidil-free placebo solution.

hairhaircomeagain said:
Also, sometime I wonder, after the 3-4 day mark my facial hair became darker and faster..

I dont doubt that minoxidil does not work.

I think you meant to say "I don't doubt that minoxidil DOES work". :)

hairhaircomeagain said:
But I thought body hair had exactly opposite requirements to hair.

No, that's only when it comes to sex hormones. Minoxidil stimulates ALL hair growth, body body and scalp.



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Rogaine and systemic absorption ...not good :freaked:

http://www.medsafe.govt.nz/Profs/Datash ... inesol.htm

Although extensive use of topical minoxidil has not revealed evidence that enough minoxidil is absorbed to have systemic effects, greater absorption because of misuse or individual variability or unusual sensitivity could lead, at least theoretically, to a systemic effect, and patients need to be aware of this.

Accidental ingestion of ROGAINE could lead to serious adverse effects. The following adverse effects may be observed as a result of systemic absorption:
-salt and water retention,
-generalised and local oedema,
-pericardial effusion,
-increased frequency of angina or new onset of angina, or
-the potentiation of the orthostatic hypotension produced by guanethidine.


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hmmmm...I have heard about people taking oral minoxidil....and many of them dont have such side effects....We just apply 1ml...how bad can it be.....

Bryan...Thanks for the replies...and the correction :)..Nice catch....

I agree...I should do the Placebo study...problem is how do I apply something that smells and feels like minoxidil. I mean if I apply something else I ll know its not minoxidil...shudnt the Placebo study be such that you cant differentiate between what you are taking

Anyways, i am not too worried about drowsiness...its face puffiness that worries me


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Unless your doctor recommends that you take oral minoxidil, you should stay the F*** away from it.


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hairhaircomeagain said:
I agree...I should do the Placebo study...problem is how do I apply something that smells and feels like minoxidil. I mean if I apply something else I ll know its not minoxidil...shudnt the Placebo study be such that you cant differentiate between what you are taking

You have an assistant put Rogaine and placebo solutions into unmarked bottles, without telling you (until later) which are which.
