Whats worse than going bald? Thread to antagonise the haters

Which (if any) of these is worse than losing your hair?

  • Unemployment/loss of job

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Divorce

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Homelessness

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bereavement of a freind

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


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The general public holds no sympathy for baldies, but there are other situations which are clearly less distressing or impacting to some people. Which if any of these situations would you class as being worse than hairloss. And by hairloss I'm talking NW5+ not minor hairloss.


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Poverty and homelessness.

I mean that's pretty low when you don't even have a roof over your head and money in your pocket...meaning you would not be able to afford hairloss drugs anyway.


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My Regimen
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Hey, we don't know what it's like to be bald so we can't answer this question. Only hp91, uc and you know it. Right?


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ghg said:
Hey, we don't know what it's like to be bald so we can't answer this question. Only hp91, uc and you know it. Right?

Thats right !!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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s.a.f said:
And by hairloss I'm talking NW5+ not minor hairloss.

I don't fit this profile, I'm still at the start of NW3 so I guess I can't relate to you 100%.

However, all the options in your poll are worse than hairloss. I've been in the receiving end of a few of them. The two major problems I had were/are temporary financial troubles, ie unemployment, poverty, etc, and failed relationship.


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Yes but there are things that you can do to change circumstances like unemployment and poverty they're usually just temporary problems wheareas baldness you cant really change and its permanant.


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Unemployment/loss of job: Find a new job/Go back to school.
Divorce: It's probably for the best anyway. Shouldn't haunt you forever.
Homelessness: Get whatever job you can. Do your best to save. Go to school...etc.
Living in poverty: Same as above.
Miscarrage by wife/girlfreind: Probably worse than going bald.
Relationship breakup: Same answer as divorce.
Bereavement of a freind: Probably worse than going bald. (Although I consider my hair my friend.)
serious Injury eg broken legs: Bones heal. Shut up.


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Sarcastic there SAF? :p

Losing someone dear to you, coming down with a life changing/ending disease, things of that nature obviously.

Even though it was probably sarcastic, I still think while those who are in the lower Norwood levels are suffering, they just don't want to see my POV of this. When they say "just shave it" when they have hair on top and people don't realize they are really balding, it does irk me some. At the very beginning of when I noticed my hairloss, I did shave my head to a number 1. I didn't like the look at all. But people were not able to see that I was balding because it was shaved. Now, whether I shave or not, I'm completely bald. You can't miss it. It's so different.


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OK, I am educated (trilingual, masters degree, etc), that's why I said temporary financial problems. Right now for me thinning hair is a bigger problem than temporary lack of money.

However, for the sake of argument let's imagine two guys. Both are 40+yo, one of them bald but with a very good job. The other guy had a good job, but due to circumstances beyond his control he lost his job. 40 isn't particularly old age, but at that age it is difficult to go back to school and retrain in a different field. The guy probably has family, so he needs to get a lower paid job just to look after his family, and he doesn't have time to attend any classes.... In this scenario, I'd rather be bald with a job.

I seriously think there are things that are far worse than going bald.

uncomfortable man

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I guess it also depends on where your priorities lie. Like HP said, a life threatening illness on yourself or one you love would be much worse than hairloss. Loosing your hair is more of an emotional/pride issue, not a practical problem like not being able to pay your mortgage and getting your house forclosed on by the bank. There are many things that are worse than hairloss. Lets face it, life can be really difficult- unfair and sometimes downright impossible.

uncomfortable man

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The other day on the bus I ran into this guy I had met over the summer who goes by the name Dogballs. He's an old thrasher gnarly homeless guy who is taking archeology classes at the same school I am going to. So I see him on the bus the other day and he didn't recognize me so I tapped him and called his name and I told him who I was. Mind you the last time I saw this guy, I was wearing a hat and he tells me, "You look 'different', bro.". We got to talking and he kept trying to talk about my hair....on the bus. "So, what you decided to shave it all off or.."he would continue. I could tell he was trippin on my head but I just talked about other sh*t to take his mind off it. Dogballs has receeded temples, but it's just not the same. I could tell that my bald head changed the way he thought about me. He said he was getting this big check on Monday and to meet him outside the administration building at one o'clock before we go buy beer and get stoned. He also said he knew a bunch of girls to invite along, but I decided to flake on him.


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I seriously think you need to see a shrink this is not healthy what you are doing to yourself.


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uncomfortable man said:
The other day on the bus I ran into this guy I had met over the summer who goes by the name Dogballs. He's an old thrasher gnarly homeless guy who is taking archeology classes at the same school I am going to. So I see him on the bus the other day and he didn't recognize me so I tapped him and called his name and I told him who I was. Mind you the last time I saw this guy, I was wearing a hat and he tells me, "You look 'different', bro.". We got to talking and he kept trying to talk about my hair....on the bus. "So, what you decided to shave it all off or.."he would continue. I could tell he was trippin on my head but I just talked about other sh*t to take his mind off it. Dogballs has receeded temples, but it's just not the same. I could tell that my bald head changed the way he thought about me. He said he was getting this big check on Monday and to meet him outside the administration building at one o'clock before we go buy beer and get stoned. He also said he knew a bunch of girls to invite along, but I decided to flake on him.
I would have flaked on him too, the last thing you need now is to meet up with Ariel again. I would not be surprised if he knows Ariel as well............................... :whistle:


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dr_jekyll said:
What a depressing thread!

I don't think it's that bad. It tells a lot about people's character and makes folks think.


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Obsidian said:
I seriously think you need to see a shrink this is not healthy what you are doing to yourself.

Nice to be objective. He it talking about something that happened to him. I guess all of a sudden it shouldn't bother him. I can't wait until they day it happens to you.

uncomfortable man

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Obsidian said:
I seriously think you need to see a shrink this is not healthy what you are doing to yourself.
What am I doing to myself? Why do I need to see a shrink? I used to see a psychotherapist fyi. He was expensive, didn't make me feel better about myself and all I got out of it was a tape cassete of the doctor counting backwards from 20 and asking me to visualize my happy place to the sounds of waves lapping up against the seashore....and seagulls, there were seagulls.

Hans Gruber

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uncomfortable man said:
The other day on the bus I ran into this guy I had met over the summer who goes by the name Dogballs. He's an old thrasher gnarly homeless guy who is taking archeology classes at the same school I am going to. So I see him on the bus the other day and he didn't recognize me so I tapped him and called his name and I told him who I was. Mind you the last time I saw this guy, I was wearing a hat and he tells me, "You look 'different', bro.". We got to talking and he kept trying to talk about my hair....on the bus. "So, what you decided to shave it all off or.."he would continue. I could tell he was trippin on my head but I just talked about other sh*t to take his mind off it. Dogballs has receeded temples, but it's just not the same. I could tell that my bald head changed the way he thought about me. He said he was getting this big check on Monday and to meet him outside the administration building at one o'clock before we go buy beer and get stoned. He also said he knew a bunch of girls to invite along, but I decided to flake on him.

if he has receded temples he could quite possibly be thinking of shaving it all off himself,plus girls and weed and beer and you didnt go?! maaaan............. :shakehead: