Whats Your Expirience??


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i am a diffuse thinner, and im about a norwood 1 right now going from a norwood 0. i started noticing slow thinning and slight recession about 2 years ago. last october i started propecia with a nice thick head of hair. during this year i expirenced no side effects and no effects at all. my hair seemed to continue to get thinner at the same pace by all the hairs on my head getting finer. about 2 months ago i started minoxidil because i didnt want to loose any more hair and i wanted some denisty back although you couldnt tell i had thinning if i kept it about 2 inches long on top. these 2 months have seen a good shed, and a quick reduction in hair density and a very diffuse hairline that is more rounded but still not past a norwood 1. you can now see the entire top of my scalp when my hair is wet, and in the sun you can see it in places when dry, so i use toppik in the back.

sometimes the reality that i am on 2 pricey and time consuming products gets to me, and i realize that one day down the road, reguardless of my progress or lack of, im going to say f*** it, drop them both and buzz my hair because i wouldnt have to worry about it anymore. but it bothers me that the hair i have now may be dependant on both drugs to stay on my head, and that when i do stop, i will lose them. and i fear that what i see fall out will be much worse than i had imagined and i will never have good hair again. as it stands, i think the major minoxidil shed is done, and i probably have better hair than any hair transplant would give me. i have several questions reguarding these drugs and the effect of being on and stopping them.

1. if you have taken both drugs, and had a shed, is the hair lost an indicator of what you were in the process of losing??

2. does the hair you lose while shedding on minoxidil grow back thicker if at all, and does it always at least go back to baseline when you started taking the product??

3. if you regrow hair using these products, and then stop, does the hairloss quickly catch back up, or does it start back over from that spot??

4. do hairs that are thinner at the root then the shaft indicate what size that hair is going to become??

5. does minoxidil simulate thicker hair by sycronizing all your hairs to grow at once or does it actually make the strands thicker??

6. if you dont see results while taking propecia, does it mean it isnt working, or could it mean that it is working and your baldness is stronger than the drug??

thanks guys.