When did you noticeably start losing your hair?


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At what age did it really start? Just curious.

I have asked people who did lose hair and they said in the mid-20's. I am not sure what will happen to mine. My dad's just thinned a little and got a respectable receding hairline. I hope that's all I get but I have to take what comes to me.


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I noticed I was shedding about 5 weeks ago. I am 28 years old. But my loss is not yet visible.

The majority of my friends who have lost some hair started noticably losing it around 25. But I don't know when they started.

I have been on Propecia for 2 weeks now, with no side effects, and no change in the quantity of shedding.


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Probably halfway through being 17. I just noticed it really wasn't what it used to be in terms of ease of styling. No real shedding or anything ever though.


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Mine started big time when I was 32 but noticed some @ 29.

I found a pic 2 yrs ago and i had a pizza slice on the front of my head. But not no more I'll scan and post pics of me hair todate. Hopefully it will give some peeps some hope.



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Isn't shedding kind of common though? That's what I get confused about. I feel like most people's hair thins some over time. Right now I really can't pull more than one out at a time (after like 5 tries). I do notice a little when I style my hair, but not too much. I think this is semi-common though. It is just confusing:)

I look at my dad, mom's dad and brother and I don't feel like I should have a problem. I just hope it is genetic!


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Why would you hope your hairloss is genetic? That's the worst kind...


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Because my dad, grandfather, etc... all still have a lot of hair. They just thinned over time but it isn't noticeable. I don't have anyone bald on either side of the family (at least that I know of). I really just hope I end up like my dad. Just a little receding hairline. That's why I am gunshy about trying a product. I don't mind a receding hairline.


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cards_fan said:
Isn't shedding kind of common though? That's what I get confused about. I feel like most people's hair thins some over time. Right now I really can't pull more than one out at a time (after like 5 tries).

By reading the posts Shedding appears to very be common.

Do you notice hairs on your pillow? Run your hands through your hair and see if any land on the desk infront of you. Thats the easier way to tell.

In my case I noticed shedding before visible loss, in many other cases it appears that people experience visible loss without experiencing shedding.

I presume every hair I shed is still growing back at this point, but is undergoing miniturization.

hair mchair

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Started around 16/17. Became "noticeable" at 18. By 21, I was a Norwood 3V.


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I never notice any on my pillow or the desk, etc.... I can do a pull test and it takes maybe 5 times to get one hair. I do notice it when I put gel in my hair. About 3-4 hairs I guess. It was worse about 3 years ago and has since subsided. I just started noticing it again, mainly b/c I have gone through some rough times and a lot of stress. I just wish there was a good way to predict it!

Thinning Sucks

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Tons of hair on the white pillowcase everyweek at my dorm room....19 years old. Today at 39 1/2, diffuse thinning all over, crown shot, front not bad but receeding, but all totally covered by Couvre.


mid to late twenties, I can remember being at a party and having a conversation with an ex-girlfriend, I told her my hair had gone really limp and itchy over the previous few weeks, it was all down hill from there, very gradual but I can really pin point the start to that time, of course I waited years before doing anything about it :freaked:

still, it was a good party.

The shedder

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I was 19, and i shrugged it off like a dick. And two years later almost to the day I did something about it


Deaner said:
Probably halfway through being 17. I just noticed it really wasn't what it used to be in terms of ease of styling. No real shedding or anything ever though.

Yeah i was in the same situation at 17 as you were in, except i had major shedding i couldnt really style my hair like i use to anymore it took more time in the mornings to get things looking right then before.Then one day in the shower i ran my fingers through my hair and i was totally surprised to see how much hair was in my hand =(.


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cards_fan said:
At what age did it really start? Just curious.

I have asked people who did lose hair and they said in the mid-20's. I am not sure what will happen to mine. My dad's just thinned a little and got a respectable receding hairline. I hope that's all I get but I have to take what comes to me.

It really started around 1994. I was 23 at the time. Fast forward to almost 33 and I have gradually settled into a Norwood 2. Lets just say if my hairloss were to stop tomorrow (not gonna happen) I would be VERY HAPPY with where I'm at..... My hair line is ok but there is some recession on the temples. I would be considered a diffuse thinner. Thank god for Nizoral. That stuff works great! If it was only around 15 years ago. My hair looks good when dry and styled. Not so good just out of the shower.

Good luck to everyone.



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Nizoral is great !!!!

cards_fan said:
What does Nizoral do for you? Isn't it just for dandruff?

Nizoral is great! I have used it since the Fall of 2003... I again just wish it was around 15 years ago. It got rid of the dandruff but also took care of a lot of my itching and white scabs of skin that was on my scalp. It does however dry out the scalp very quickly. I use it every other day. It has made a difference in the quality of my hair. I believe it has been said that it has a mild growth stimulant as well. I would recommend this product either way.



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This year has been the worst :(

Time to battle the odds


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i noticed the hairline heading north at 17 so i guess the hormones took the turn for the worse at 16.