When do you know when your shedding?


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I has shed about third times that I know of but it's really hair to tell when I shed normal and when I shed heavy. Does anyone know how to tell the difference?


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I would guess that a "Heavy shed" is when your are losing more amounts of hair than you do on a "Normal" day. Example:..usualy lose 30 hairs when showering. Then For a couple weeks you lose 100-120 hairs when showering. That is the difference, losing more hairs. :shock:

You basically answered your own question :p


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ive been on finasteride for almost 9 months.

i never used to really lose many hairs in the shower. after i ran my hands through my hair after shampooing, usually none would come out, maybe 1 or 2 every 4 or 5 times i ran my fingers through.

now ive noticed about 3 hairs come out each time i run my fingers through my hair after shampooing. and more hairs are in my hands while im shampooing. this has been going on for about a month. could this be a shed?

i have noticed my crown thinning a bit over this month. is v depressing :( never had a noticeable problem at the crown when i began finasteride. but my mid scalp and front seem better i think. i thought finasteride was supposed to work best on the crown? could i see any regrowth, bearing in mind that i am almost 9 months in?

any stories of anyone whos seen regrowth around months 8 or 9 +, please take the time to post, id really appreciate it. ive posted like this before and not had any responses, some ideas and opinions would be very much appreciated.

thanks very much and good luck!

The Gardener

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I swear I shed off and on constantly. At first it freaked me out, but after a while I realized that all my shedding was having absolutely zero impact on the visual appearance of my hairline, nor the improvements I was seeing as a result of my regimen. Basically, I realized that sheds are, most of the time, something very much worth ignoring.

Sheds happen, to male pattern baldness and to non-male pattern baldness people too. The only difference is that us male pattern baldness people notice them. That's Gardener's stand.


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I think alot of people freak out about how much they shed seeing as how before you were thinning you just brushed it off ...and didnt think about a shed...........i think our sheds are not that bad...for some it is..but for most i think its just a mind game we are playing with ourselves,because we are so paranoid about our thinning.


The Gardener said:
I swear I shed off and on constantly. At first it freaked me out, but after a while I realized that all my shedding was having absolutely zero impact on the visual appearance of my hairline, nor the improvements I was seeing as a result of my regimen. Basically, I realized that sheds are, most of the time, something very much worth ignoring.

Sheds happen, to male pattern baldness and to non-male pattern baldness people too. The only difference is that us male pattern baldness people notice them. That's Gardener's stand.

Same for me. I shed off and on constantly and I used to get all crazy over nothing. Throughout all this on and off shedding, my hair looks like it just keeps getting better. I will shed around 30 hairs(I don't count them, but this is an estimate) one day, and the next day I'll lose 5. Then I'll go a month of shedding, then it will stop for a few days or weeks, then start up again. Throughout this time my hair continues to improve.

The Gardener is right about us male pattern baldness guys are the ones that really notice these sheds. The Gardener's stand is also Badasshairday's stand.


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I have been losing between 200-300 hairs a day for the last 4 months.

That, I would consider either a huge shed, or a fast track to a chrome dome.