When questioned about medications currently being used...


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When asked if I am taking any medications by the dentist or other doctors (like when getting my wisdom teeth out), do I need to tell them I am on finasteride? I read it does not affect or get affected by any other types of medications.


If you told them they would probably not even know what it is. I have been to the dentisit and they asked the exact same thing. I just told them I don't take anything. If you were taking heart or blood pressure tablets then yes I could understand why they wanted to know this. But finasteride just does not count as far as I am concerned....


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The only time you need to mention that you are using finasteride is if you wish to give blood. In which case you cannot give blood because of the risk to a female who may receive it.



believe it or not i was asked this very queston by my doctor only today!

A muscle at the bottom of my neck went in to spasm, hurt like f**ing hell when I move my neck (still quite bad), she gave me some diazipam :shock: :lol: :shock: :) :) :? :lol: and some strong 500mg ibuprophen

when asked if I was on any medication I said 'No' but if the condition was something more mysterious or hormonal or sexual I would definately say 'Yes'


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tynanW said:
believe it or not i was asked this very queston by my doctor only today!

A muscle at the bottom of my neck went in to spasm, hurt like f**ing hell when I move my neck (still quite bad), she gave me some diazipam :shock: :lol: :shock: :) :) :? :lol: and some strong 500mg ibuprophen

when asked if I was on any medication I said 'No' but if the condition was something more mysterious or hormonal or sexual I would definately say 'Yes'

You Lied! Shame on you TynanW...here i am thinking this whole time that you are a very honest and hard working young man striving to be the very best one can be as a young apprentice....

all along your nothing but a god damn bloody lieng used car salesman ....

Tynan, this is very dissapointing


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Just to be on the safe side, I would tell them. It can't hurt and can only help. After all, we're not doctors or pharmacists.


VICCI said:
tynanW said:
believe it or not i was asked this very queston by my doctor only today!

A muscle at the bottom of my neck went in to spasm, hurt like f**ing hell when I move my neck (still quite bad), she gave me some diazipam :shock: :lol: :shock: :) :) :? :lol: and some strong 500mg ibuprophen

when asked if I was on any medication I said 'No' but if the condition was something more mysterious or hormonal or sexual I would definately say 'Yes'

You Lied! Shame on you TynanW...here i am thinking this whole time that you are a very honest and hard working young man striving to be the very best one can be as a young apprentice....

all along your nothing but a god damn bloody lieng used car salesman ....

Tynan, this is very dissapointing

I realised what I had done almost immediately and felt shamed, so I killed her and left the office, I feel ok now.


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I wouldn't tell them. Every time I schedule an appoinment with a new doctor or something, they ask that question, and when I tell them, the receptionists yells out- WHAT IS FINASTERIDE?? Sometimes I feel like yelling back IT'S FOR MY HAIR LOSS!! YEAH, I SAID IT, I'M LOSING MY f*****g HAIR! THERE, ARE YOU HAPPY, YOU STUPID b**ch? =)

So no, don't tell them. Good question, though.


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Just to be certain...
I am going into the dentist to have my wisdom teeth removed in a few weeks. They are giving me a valium before-hand and some form of vicadin (pain killer) afterwards. Someone mentioned that there could be a bad reaction between finasteride and blood-pressure tablets.

any word on people taking valium and/or pain-killers with finasteride and no adverse reaction?



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On Kroger.com, there is a site when you can enter two drugs and see if there is a known adverse reaction. It says there is no response to Valium and Propecia. Since no one answered, figured I'd try to put something up that might help someone else later.

*hopes taking valium/vicadin with finasteride won't kill him*