when will my hair loss slow or stop on propecia?


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i was wondering when i can expect to see my hair loss slow or stop. ive been on propecia for nearly 2 months now. the first month i took only 1/4 mg. the second month and still going im on .5 mg. i was real scared of side effects and thats why i started w/ a low dosage. but for all of you who have had results with only propecia can you tell me how long it took before you noticed that you were not losing as much hair? i cant stand seeing so much hair in the shower anymore. it just ruins my day.


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At three months things started changing. Specifically, leading up to that point I was experiencing some shedding and a little after three months it tapered to a moderate amount. It has been like that for about 12 1/2 years now.

I do recall, however, that positive results... actual visual results (growth and thickening) began occurring after that 3 month mark. I would say I peaked my progress a year and a half to 2 years into taking 1 mg a day.


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First time I went on Propecia 1mg (I was 35 yo) & got no shedding, began to see results after 2 months.

After 6 yrs I was really happy with result. I noticed some thining in 7th year, so I doubled up on the dose (2mg). Massive shedding x2 months, but hair grew back.
After 8 months noticed some thining & went to 5mg. Massive shedding x2-3months ensued. Eventually weaned myself off of the medication. No more shedding cycles off propecia , but hair growth more consistent but thiner shafts.

After 4 yrs decided to try propecia again (10/2010), but brought a special scale & cut tablets so that I could slowly taper my dose upwards (in order to hopefully avoid sheddin). I Increase dose every week by .025 mg untill I reached .25mg. After 5 months despite careful tapering up of dose, noticed some shedding.
At this point, I have been holding the dose @ 0.25mg and 6 months later I am still
going through shedding cycles.

Its frustrating, since I know and can tell my hair shafts are getting thicker & healthier on the propecia, it seems that my hair cycles are shorter: 3-4months instead of 3 years. Thus making my hair appear thinner. I can tell the difference between thining due to shorter hair cycles vs deminiturization of hair from male pattern baldness. I keep trying to figure out what is causing this phenomenon, when it didnt happen the first 6 years, I was on propecia (I started back in 1997). May its age related, now that I'm older? Maybe, a shedding cycle is sent off if I miss taking the pill for a day, or if I accidently take a double dose? What is causiing these shedding cycles on propecia?

Anyone have any thoughts here or similar experiences.


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Just like the OP I started on Propecia 0.25 mg just over 2 months ago. I was getting pretty thin to begin with but since i started taking it ive noticed a big shed in my hair. I noticed it just after a month & its very disheartening. I really hope it comes back. I cant even look at my head under light anymore. However i will stick with it as apparently thats the way to go.


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Stick with it! Tough out this phase. Almost everyone goes through a shed cycle, but it should come back better than ever!


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Coffeemug - very interesting points you have made.

Be interested to hear what pans out for you. Maybe the 0.25mg is a little to low of a dosage? Maybe up it to 0.5mg?


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I recently started on 0.5 mg of finasteride, I'm 29 and NW2/2.5

I also use Spectural DNC (just got the new version containing nano) it is a very successful growth agent containing lots of goodies and may help to lengthen your growth cycle and therefore reduce shreading.

Personally I don't have much shredding and never have, just diffused thinning and recession of my temples so maybe i'm lucky in that regard but I also use Tricomin shampoo and nizoral 2/3 times a week.

I would look into something like Specutural DNC though if you have shredding.