Where are they Now?


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When I first started reading these forums there was some very good interesting contributors like.Dudeman,Hoppi,Hairpieceman,and 1 more bloke I think he was from England he had a a picture of someone with a dodgy combover in his aviator and he was like the Fred of today very informative and knowledgeable and had thousands of posts in the impact section.This was about a decade ago up until a few years back I always wonder what happens to these characters do they just get over Hairloss?or get married or just give up and leave these forums for good..I personally like the feeling of being amongst friends going through the same thing I am..If your out there Dudeman,Hoppi,Hairpieceman say hi cos we miss you guys..


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I guess they realized that this was the best that it was going to be and moved on with their lives.


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Yes, Saf he was a legend that bloke.I remember someone told him to go and get a life because he had made over 6000 posts on these forums and it looks like he did..Dudeman yes he came across very depressed hope he is ok..Hoppi lol the bloke was delusional..But the Funniest by far was The Hairpieceman that bloke was hilarious.I liked it when he would say he is waiting for his new Hairpiece to arrive and then he "is hitting the clubs to get himself a glamour "and how he would get heal extensions in his shoes so he looked taller lol..I just thought of 1 more Fixedby35 I wonder if he fixed his Hairloss by 35...


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I wish I was around back then. It would have been nice to have met some of the classic members, also my hair would be in much better shape.


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Who was the user who had bad hair transplant surgeries in the 80s? and whose wife left him?


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Captain forehead that was Dudeman.He was really depressed.


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Captain forehead that was Dudeman.He was really depressed.

Aha. Actually that was Dudemon.

All his posts seem to have been deleted. I see people quoting his posts, but the originals are all gone.


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Aha. Actually that was Dudemon.

All his posts seem to have been deleted. I see people quoting his posts, but the originals are all gone.
Yeah I heard about this guy and how his wife divorced him over his hairloss. Went to search on the Members list to find that thread and seems like his account is gone :(


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I only red this forum for years before I joined last year so I'm not a big name on here,but I do recall Dudeman saying his wife said straight to his face that she is not attracted to him anymore because of his hairloss and she started to date a N1 which really pissed him off..He had 80's style plugs and a visible strip scar but he still managed to get a degree but I do recall him saying "he can't get a job with his degree because of the way his hair was"..Full credit to him for going to uni with 80's style plugs as a hairline..


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I remember HairPieceMan and he was quite the character... Wearing shoe lifts to look taller and a hair piece lol... Wonder how he's living his life today and if he kept up with his hair piece. Would be interesting to hear from these guys again.

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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I wish I was around back then. It would have been nice to have met some of the classic members, also my hair would be in much better shape.

Same here Notcoolanymore. If I knew about this place even just a year ago, my hair would be in so much better shape by learning and knowing about real treatments for genetic hair loss. It was in 2014 when my male pattern baldness kicked into hyper-drive and I lost so much hair that year.

Me personally, I'd consider DoctorHouse a classic member here on HairLossTalk.com, and he has been around here for a while, and it's nice to have them active with their great posts. I'd also say abcdefg is a classic member here, since they've been actively posting on this forum for a decade now.

I would definitely also consider CCS and s.a.f classic members on here as well, but are now inactive for whatever reason, or at least currently inactive.


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Suicide over hair loss is very rare. Yes, I suppose they could be dead anyway.
Yup, not so much solely on the hair loss. But seeing some of the depressed posts on here when I've been lurking through old posts and threads, It certainly wouldn't be a surprise if some had decided to take their lives. It's hardly ever the sole reason, but an amalgamation of a number of issues which contribute to that state - hairloss definitely being one of them.

^^And I agree AA, DoctorHouse's posts have been a great read looking through old threads. Seems like a very genuine person.


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One day even I might be called a 'legend' of hairlosstalk.com. I'll probably be just about as depressed as I am today but won't be on the forum. Probably the day I accept my hairloss and stop the meds, I'll be done here.


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Dudemon: I hope he didn't kill himself.

Hoppi: Probably still paranoid and trying all kinds of "natural" treatments to halt his non-existent hair loss.

saf (the guy with the combover avatar): We think he moved on. In his last posts, he said he got a girlfriend if I remember well.

Hairpieceman: This guy was obsessed about looks, height and status. Kind of a precursor of PUA/Sluthate without knowing it.

It's funny that you compare me to saf now because at the time, he tried to reason with me when I said that I had cured my hair loss with supplements and apple cider vinegar.

Looking back, he was a very helpful and rational guy for the newbies. I wish he was still around to tell it like it is.

Lol I still can't believe you actually believed that, for the time that I've been here you seem like a quite rational guy so I guess it's hard to believe you were actually in that state of delusion back then...


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Lol I still can't believe you actually believed that, for the time that I've been here you seem like a quite rational guy so I guess it's hard to believe you were actually in that state of delusion back then...
Me too...I spent many months and a lot of money but saw no cessation in shedding. Did this protocol: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=160444941

Still want to know how the guy in the OP regrew his hair.

One guy in that thread: "Dandruff is returning, minor hair loss returning, itchy scalp returning.

Perhaps it's because I've been eating a **** load of carbs trying to bulk up?

Sweet potatoes, Soaked, then cooked Chickpeas? Perhaps I'm eating too much oils? Olive Oils, and Coconut oils."

Lol the delusion. Must be the chickpeas making him shed :D


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Yup, not so much solely on the hair loss. But seeing some of the depressed posts on here when I've been lurking through old posts and threads, It certainly wouldn't be a surprise if some had decided to take their lives. It's hardly ever the sole reason, but an amalgamation of a number of issues which contribute to that state - hairloss definitely being one of them.

^^And I agree AA, DoctorHouse's posts have been a great read looking through old threads. Seems like a very genuine person.
Blush!!! Thanks AA and MI, I really appreciate your positive words. Appreciative people like you makes me realize some times I don't waste my time posting on here. s.a.f. left because he got tired of the cycles of negative people on here. I am glad to see I.D. Walker came back as he is a great poster. Agustin is becoming a "legend" on here with some great posts. And of course, Fred has reached "legendary" status. I hope some day s.a.f. comes back as he is one of the greatest posters of all time.


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100 percent correct Abu!Who really wants to be a legend on a Hairloss Forum..Unless you can end up like someone like Spex who ended up whit a job on the Bald Truth radio show from humble beginnings..He started out on the forums and climbed his way to the top and makes a living in the hair loss industry.