Where can I begin?


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Hi Everyone:

My hair is getting thinner and thinner. I don't know what to do.... I haven't seen a Doctor. because I don't have health insurance right now. My insurance kicks in on Nov. 1. If I don't treat my hair right now, i'm afraid it's going to get even worse. What kinda of advice can you guys give me? Should I get taking more iron? or other types of Vitamins? Is there a type of hair treatment I can start using to prevent further hair loss? I've been stressing for about 2 months.... PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!!!


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Firstly, dont panic...There are a number of options for you to take and the good thing is that you are catching your hair loss early.

The most important thing for you to do first is to get a blood test done. Make an appointment for November 1 and get this done. Make sure that the doctor test for EVERYTHING including nutritional or mineral deficiencies and thyroid deficiencies. There is a strong possibility that the blood test will find what is wrong with you and then your Doctor can help you correct it. On the other hand the blood test will help rule out certain causes of hair loss.

While you are at the Doctor, make sure you get a referral to see a good dermatologist (preferably someone who specialises or has some specification in Hair Loss). The derm will help examine your scalp and will point you in the right direction about what options to take to discover your proble eg a scalp biopsy which entails actually cutting a tiny piece of your scalp out and examining it for possible causes.

The most important thing to realise is that hair loss in Women is more likely to be reversible. Just relax and dont panic. If you take the right steps and keep hasseling your Doctor and Dermatologist to help find the cause, you will find it and correct it. Unfortunately there is no quick fix...you need to find the reason first.


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Bad Dr.s

First off what Giggsy said is true dont panic. Stress and anxiety are sometimes a component of hair loss. Go get your blood tested as was suggested also. it might just be hormonal but IT could be something more serious. I went to the Dr and the Derm. Unfortunately I had a very unpleasant experience. I got cortisone shots for my scalp that hurt like hell :freaked2: and caused absessing on my scalp. The hair loss got worse. Afterwards I asked around AND NOBODY I talked to said the shots did anything for them either other than cause pain. Try Rogaine! It didnt help me grow hair but it did Stop the hair remaining from falling out. My hair is thin but Iam trying a hair system now. Please look at my post under Hair Blending/Hair systems. Im in my mid 40's so i dont think at this point Im going to have any hair miracles! Good Luck!


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You may want to hold off on Rogaine until you get a diagnosis. Sometimes using Rogaine will actually make your hairloss much worse, depending on what the triggers and factors are that are causing it in the first place.

Nov 1st is almost here....drop us a note and let us know how your appointment went. Hang in there, you're going to be okay.