where can i order Emu Oil? Which sort do i need?


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Right ive been talked into using emu oil! but what do i need? capsules? shampoo? just oil? and also how much, how often?



Hi Turbo,

I think pure emu oil is the best, i get mine from here...
http://www.worldwideshoppingmall.co.uk/ ... mu-oil.asp

you could maybe get it cheaper from a U.S site if you looked. It makes your hair pretty greasy, so its best to use last thing at night, i only use it once a week as a leave on topical. I apply it with a dropper, you dont need much and it lasts for quite a long time.

I also use it daily ,a few drops about 5 added to my shampoo, any more than 5 or so drops can make your hair greasy after showering.



Established Member
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Zimmy which one out of the lot do you order?


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On the world wide shopping mall these is a scalp rub emu oil and mousturizer, what do you think? If you need the link I can get it :p


On the world wide shopping mall these is a scalp rub emu oil and mousturizer, what do you think? If you need the link I can get it :p

I never noticed them before Stinger. The emu oil scalp rub is pretty expensive...but i dont know really, they may be worth a try. I think folligen.com has something similar to the scalp rub. I think pure emu oil is as good as any or better than any of those emu oil products, because it is pure and it has a variety of uses.

I once tried an emu oil shampoo, i hated it, it made my hair really oily. :freaked:


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Oh well, I will try the pure because its pure im sure the PURE one is better, ahh to many pures there... :p

:freaked: <-- I take it you looked like that when your scalp was oily after the shampoo? :p


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i just ordered of the shampoo but i'm having second thoughts whether it'll heal my scalp. the only thing that works to control the minoxidil itch is using head and shoulders on the days i'm not using nizoral. do you think i'd get the emu oil hair stimulating benefits if i just mix head and shoulders and some pure emu oil?