Where is the gardner?


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I was wondering the same thing. I was going to post something the other day, but it skippppped my mind. He must be doing well!

Gardner, where are you main?

Over and OUT!
Tony Montana


Senior Member
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That's weird I was just thinking the same thing too.


Established Member
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I am going to have to agree with all of you as the thought passed my mind as well.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Oh my god. Hello my brothas.. just tonight I told myself that I had to check out HairLossTalk.com dot com because it had been far too long since I last posted. The last two, three months have been very action packed for me and frankly I have been in a frenzy.

Two weddings out of town in the last two months (a total of FIVE out of town weddings this summer!), a week long vacation on Martha's Vineyard which was f*****g amazing, and I must admit that for the last month or so I have been completely transfixed by the baseball playoffs and have been drinking WAY too much while watching the games. And on that topic, the Boston Red Sox are the Champions. Un f*****g Believeable. I love it! Cheers to Redbone and Niles and all you other New Englanders, the Sox had the best post season I have ever seen. I loved watching them down the Yanks.

Now, as for the hair, my mid-summer frenzy inspired a little laziness with the regimen. I got really sloppy for a month or so and paid for it. No, no shedding back to square one or anything like that, but more of a halt to the slow recovery of my temple hairs and a few weeks' reintroduction to irritated, itchy scalp.

Now, I'm back on the plan and all that, and still looking good, but this summer's laziness really pounded home the importance not only of staying consistent with the minoxidil, but also the importance of the anti-inflammatories. While traveling, I often forgot my nizoral and got really sloppy with the copper peptide spray. Well, a few weeks of this laziness resulted in a very itchy scalp, and a very significant shed. Nizoral, or whatever anti-inflammatory works for you, is SO important. Without that, in addition to the itching, the minoxidil applications started to make my hair flake again like it did back on weeks 2-3! I got back on the regular Nizoral program and boy does it feel a LOT better.

Anyways, keep on keeping on boys, and I hope you are all doing well. This is actually the first post I clicked on since logging on, I look forward to reading the others and catching up with you all.


PS: Brasleiro, myself and a few of my good friends are heading down to holiday in Rio in Feburary. We want to catch the last few days of Carnival (I've never been and REALLY want to see/experience it, but never really wanted to go in the past because I hear all the cool locals head out of town to avoid the crowds and madness!) but then stay another two and a half weeks after that to enjoy the post-carnaval peacefulness. Well, we won't just stay in Rio, but we'll probably meander to Cabo Frio and Buzios for the last week or so. Dude, any chance you might be in country to join us?


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The Gardener said:
Oh my god. Hello my brothas.. just tonight I told myself that I had to check out HairLossTalk.com dot com because it had been far too long since I last posted. The last two, three months have been very action packed for me and frankly I have been in a frenzy.

Two weddings out of town in the last two months (a total of FIVE out of town weddings this summer!), a week long vacation on Martha's Vineyard which was f*****g amazing, and I must admit that for the last month or so I have been completely transfixed by the baseball playoffs and have been drinking WAY too much while watching the games. And on that topic, the Boston Red Sox are the Champions. Un f*****g Believeable. I love it! Cheers to Redbone and Niles and all you other New Englanders, the Sox had the best post season I have ever seen. I loved watching them down the Yanks.

Now, as for the hair, my mid-summer frenzy inspired a little laziness with the regimen. I got really sloppy for a month or so and paid for it. No, no shedding back to square one or anything like that, but more of a halt to the slow recovery of my temple hairs and a few weeks' reintroduction to irritated, itchy scalp.

Now, I'm back on the plan and all that, and still looking good, but this summer's laziness really pounded home the importance not only of staying consistent with the minoxidil, but also the importance of the anti-inflammatories. While traveling, I often forgot my nizoral and got really sloppy with the copper peptide spray. Well, a few weeks of this laziness resulted in a very itchy scalp, and a very significant shed. Nizoral, or whatever anti-inflammatory works for you, is SO important. Without that, in addition to the itching, the minoxidil applications started to make my hair flake again like it did back on weeks 2-3! I got back on the regular Nizoral program and boy does it feel a LOT better.

Anyways, keep on keeping on boys, and I hope you are all doing well. This is actually the first post I clicked on since logging on, I look forward to reading the others and catching up with you all.


PS: Brasleiro, myself and a few of my good friends are heading down to holiday in Rio in Feburary. We want to catch the last few days of Carnival (I've never been and REALLY want to see/experience it, but never really wanted to go in the past because I hear all the cool locals head out of town to avoid the crowds and madness!) but then stay another two and a half weeks after that to enjoy the post-carnaval peacefulness. Well, we won't just stay in Rio, but we'll probably meander to Cabo Frio and Buzios for the last week or so. Dude, any chance you might be in country to join us?

What up Main,

Glad to hear you are still alive. :) Sound like you are back on track on your regimen. Any who, as far as Rio goes, I just might be down there for Carnival. A cousin of mine moved to Rio and he has been trying to make it over there, but hasnt found a job. If he does come accross something, it means he wont be moving back in Feb-March and so that would allow me to go visit the bastard, who is surfing everyday, doing jiu-jitsu and partying like a rock star. What a live huh? I will keep you posted....

On a side note....Did you know carnival stars early this next year. Buzios is really nice!!! I would advise a trip there instead of Cabo Frio. Man, no matter what, you and your bros will have a blast!!!

Aight main!




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wooot! he's back.. :D


Experienced Member
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isn't it wierd that as soon as we start asking about him...he suddenly decides to check back in???? ....same thing happend with jesus freak. something sketchy about that.