Where to buy dermovan?


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I'm looking to buy some dermovan online to mix my own spironolactone. I've googled it, etc, but can't seem to find it. Where's a good place to order the stuff?

Should i perhaps just use cetaphil or neutrogena neutral cream? They're more easily found.

In Australia we have a moisturiser called "dermoveen" with "colloidial oatmeal" which is apparently a treatment for dry itchy skin. Is this the same thing?


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bryan posted it. I copied it off HLH and posted it here. Just search under my username for dermavan. It is probably 6 posts back. maybe 10.

Old Baldy

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Felk said:
I've found Dermabase... is that roughly equivalent?

Yes, and so is this:


You do not need Dermovan. There are so many decent neutral skin creams available at your local stores it is ridiculous.
Neutrogena Neutral Cream and Cetaphil are two examples. They are even mentioned in Doctor Proctor's patents.

Don't get stuck in the mud with Dermovan. Get ANY decent store bought cream IMHO.


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When mixing sprio with any of these creams, should the spironolactone first be soluted in say PG first, then poured into the cream?

How would you work it?


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DrGrow said:
When mixing sprio with any of these creams, should the spironolactone first be soluted in say PG first, then poured into the cream?

How would you work it?

Here's a "canned" response that I keep around to describe my own method that I use:

Here's how I make my handy-dandy Dermovan-based 3% spironolactone cream:

I only make 20 grams at a time, because of potential odor problems from larger amounts sitting around unused. (I personally have never had any problems with this, but why take a chance?)

I use a 50 ml glass beaker for mixing, which is ideal for this purpose. I've previously marked the beaker at the 20 ml point, so I just fill it to this point with an even level of Dermovan (we're not mixing rocket fuel for the Space Shuttle; it doesn't have to be exact). Next I take six 100 mg spironolactone tablets and finely powder them with a mortar and pestle, then add the powder to the beaker. I thoroughly mix it by stirring with a small kitchen knife. It's amazing how well the powder is "dissolved" into the Dermovan. The resulting mixture is absolutely smooth and homogeneous, with no detectable traces of tablet excipients.

Afterwards, I scoop the contents out of the beaker using the kitchen knife and deposit it into my storage container, which is an empty 25 ml Proxiphen vial (also perfect for this purpose). I keep it in the refrigerator.

The whole process is cheap, fast, and fun. No fuss, no muss.



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Bryan said:
Here's how I make my handy-dandy Dermovan-based 3% spironolactone cream:

I only make 20 grams at a time, because of potential odor problems from larger amounts sitting around unused. (I personally have never had any problems with this, but why take a chance?)

I use a 50 ml glass beaker for mixing, which is ideal for this purpose. I've previously marked the beaker at the 20 ml point, so I just fill it to this point with an even level of Dermovan (we're not mixing rocket fuel for the Space Shuttle; it doesn't have to be exact). Next I take six 100 mg spironolactone tablets and finely powder them with a mortar and pestle, then add the powder to the beaker. I thoroughly mix it by stirring with a small kitchen knife. It's amazing how well the powder is "dissolved" into the Dermovan. The resulting mixture is absolutely smooth and homogeneous, with no detectable traces of tablet excipients.

Afterwards, I scoop the contents out of the beaker using the kitchen knife and deposit it into my storage container, which is an empty 25 ml Proxiphen vial (also perfect for this purpose). I keep it in the refrigerator.

The whole process is cheap, fast, and fun. No fuss, no muss.

Heh same one i used to use back in the day... Debating whether or not to go this route again or go for an alcohol based mixture.. hmm


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Matgallis said:
Debating whether or not to go this route again or go for an alcohol based mixture.. hmm

I hope you're taking into consideration that lengthy excerpt I posted about "spironolactone creams versus spironolactone solutions"! :)


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Bryan said:
Matgallis said:
Debating whether or not to go this route again or go for an alcohol based mixture.. hmm

I hope you're taking into consideration that lengthy excerpt I posted about "spironolactone creams versus spironolactone solutions"! :)
Mind linking me to it?


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Here you go:



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Bryan said:
Here you go:

wish the study used a larger base of users... Results are hard to give weight to.