where to get copper peptide?


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anyone? also anywhere else to get spironolactone other than dr. lee? thx :freaked2:


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CP's can be bought here at HairLossTalk.com or go to Folligen.com. The spironolactone thing i don't know. I get mine from Lee


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How is your regime coming along? Have you seen any improvement?

T. Montana


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can someone tell me if you need a prescription to get tricomin or any other CP products? Specifically if ordering to Canada if you have that information?


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Whammy said:
can someone tell me if you need a prescription to get tricomin or any other CP products? Specifically if ordering to Canada if you have that information?

You dont need a prescription and this site sells it. Its good stuff.



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brasileirao said:

How is your regime coming along? Have you seen any improvement?

T. Montana

Nope things are slowly returining to my before treatment pics. I don't get it. I had what I consider to be incredible regrowth in the first 3 months Then the whole gyno thing happened and it's been down hill since then. Maybe this was a shed period I had. I mean after the gyno I altered my regimen quite a bit between months 4-6 and that would make sense. I'm in month 7 now and I'm seeing signs that things might be starting to stabalize, but it's still too early to tell.
I'm still doing better than my before pics so i guess I'm still ahead of the game and I'm glad I decided to do something about my hairloss.



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I'm not surprised that things took a step back. It makes sense that your situation went off track once you switched treatments. Considering you had success in such a short amount time previously I am sure you will now. Trust me, I took a significant step back from Feb to May in terms of progress when my irritation caused me to slack off and frustraion made me lose focus. Well I am back on track and things are going great again. We both had nasty sides mixed with success so we just have to find the right combination to make things work.

I hate messing with my Regimen but it is needed in our cases at times. In the past 4 months I have changed the Copper-Peptides I am using (just to see if one is better than the other) and have rotated in a variation of the minoxidil formula(using Dr Lees for half my aps). Plus I have added T/GEL which I couldn't use before. So far so good, but changing it is making me nervous.

I got Tricomin in the mail last night and I will try it tonight for the first time tonight, and I will only use that for 6 months without mixing in other Cu's. So there goes half a bottle of Folligen while I try it, I guess I will just toss it since it will probably go bad if it sits there while I try Tricomin. I love Folligen but I want to try to use a more cosmetically acceptable formula as Folligen will make the scalp very green when used with minoxidil.

Anyway, to make a long post short BHD. Be thankfull you know your hair is receptive to treatments and you only have to adjust things to make it work with the rest of your body. Some people would kill for that. Best of luck to you, I have zero doubt you will be frustrated like I was here and there, but it's all about the long run. IMO, in the long run, your going to come away satisfied and be busy worrying about other things soon enough. :)


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Cassin...Thanks for the words of encouragment and advice.

Quick question for ya....Which type of Folligen were you using....Spray, lotion or cream?


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Your welcome.

All of the above. But if I remember your pics right, you are a diffuse thinner and renders the cream/lotion useless since it is best used by receders like yours truly as it is designed for use on the hairline.

Their really isn't much of a diff between the cream/lotion. If anything the lotion is a bit thinner. Both are helpful for receders but very messy.